So who am I? I am currently working as a software engineer at, after former work as a physicist and an educator. My creative side comes in designing lessons, and also in my hobby as an avid gamer - creating backgrounds and characters for games. I am also skilled as a singer, though these days it only comes out at karaoke and a caroling group around Christmas.
I started out as a high-energy experimental physicist. I got my PhD in Physics from Columbia University in 1998 working on a neutrino experiment at Fermilab, namely the CCFR/NuTeV collaboration. From 1998 to 2000, I was a post-doc at UC Irvine, working on an experiment called AMANDA, which is a detector set up under the ice of the South Pole looking for sources of high-energy cosmic rays (mostly) from space.
In recreational life, I am an avid player of role-playing games. I have a massive website on RPGs which has been steadily accreting material since I started my website in 1994. It is famous for having definitive encyclopedia of print RPG as well as free RPGs on the web. It also has a bunch of RPG theory by myself. I am also an avid movie-watcher, stemming from my best friend from high school, Rolfe Kanefsky.
Email: john.kim3-at-gmail-dot-com
LinkedIn Profile
FaceBook Profile
Computer Projects
Programming Notes
- This is a big collection of thoughts on programming, mini
projects, and so forth. The notable projects that I have there
currently is my free zip code database.
Physics Projects
AMANDA at UC Irvine
- AMANDA was my post-doctoral experiment which I worked at
for two years. It is a cosmic ray detector which is
located deep in the ice under the Amundsen-Scott
South Pole Station. I went to the South Pole for three
weeks in early 2000.
- I was an author of the Siegmund package for 2 years, and in
particular the simulation program "amasim2". My main achievement
for this year was making amasim2 about 10 times faster by
optimizing the processing and implementing a "first guess"
PhD Thesis Download (Gzipped Postscript: 952k)
- My PhD thesis, defended in June 1998. It was titled
"A Measurement of Alpha S(Q2) from the
Gross-Llewellyn Smith Sum Rule". In simpler terms,
I measured the strength of the force which binds the proton
together -- using data from how neutrinos scatter off of it.
As an analogy, you can think of it as measuring how tough a
type of balloon is by bouncing pebbles off of them.
The NuTeV Experiment
- This was the experiment I worked on as a graduate student,
although my thesis was on data collected from its predecessor
experiment, CCFR. Through most of 1995 and 1996, I headed
development of a general-purpose fast Monte Carlo simulation
of neutrino interactions in our detector. I also documented
much of the general software suite, still visible in pages like
Software available in CVS.
Fermilab's Graduate Student Association (GSA)
- From 1995 to 1996, I was one of the four representatives of the
Fermilab GSA. During that time, we travelled to Washington with
the User's Executive committee, organized a conference at Fermilab
highlighting the work of graduate students (New Perspectives '96),
arranged for academic and computing classes at the lab, and
published a booklet introducing new students to life at
Fermilab (the "Guide to Life at Fermilab").
Games, Games, Games
I play a lot of games. My main hobby is role-playing games, but I
also play a number of board and card games. Favorites include the
board-game Star Fleet Battles and various German-designed
board/card games like Settlers of Cataan and Lost
Role-Playing Games
- This is a pretty huge site containing, among other things, my
encyclopedia of over 750 printed RPG's and over 400 free RPG's
available over the web.
Star Fleet Battles
- This is my Star Fleet Battles site. Since about 2000, I only
rare play SFB anymore and the site is not very updated as a
result. However, there is still a lot of material there
collected over the 5 years that I maintained it.
Personal Stuff
6'1'', ~200 lbs, black hair, brown eyes, goofy looking
Distinguishing mannerisms:
"Hmmm", "Whoops", "Uuerrh", "Howdy"
Distinguishing traits:
superior intelligence, creativity, manners, and most of all modesty;
rarely lies and never overdoes anything; so overconfident he can
tackle any problem no matter how small
Movie Stuff
Favorite Quotes
Soliloquy from A Midsummer Night's Dream
Soliloquy from The Actor's Nightmare
Selected Poetry

John H. Kim <jhkim-at-darkshire-dot-net>
Last modified: Sun Feb 7 22:44:58 2010