RPG Company List: A
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Abacus Dimensions
- 127 Glenn Forest Road, Magnolia, DE 19962-1706 (USA)
A computer consulting company that did the website for Timeline Ltd,
this acted as distributors of the small-press post-holocaust RPG
The Morrow Project, from 1998 to 2001.
Abstract Nova Entertainment LLC
- 10633 Bent Tree Drive, Fredericksburg VA 22407 (USA)
Small-press publishers of
Noumenon (2006) and third edition
Heaven & Earth (2004).
They acquired the license for Heaven & Earth from
Guardians of Order, who in turn had acquired it from
Event Horizon Productions. The company was apparently
founded in 2004.
- (Italy)
An Italian development group of role playing games, illustrations, comics and more.
Makers of the martial arts RPG
Musha Shugyo (2015) by Luca De Marini.
Founded by Luca De Marini and David Quaroni.
Adamant Entertainment
- (USA)
Small-press makers of
Mars: A Roleplaying Game of Planetary Romance,
along with various supplements for D20 Modern, Mutants & Masterminds,
and Savage Worlds, including the Thrilling Tales d20 pulp series.
They also produce PDF support for several RPG lines from other
publishers, including Freeport from Green Ronin, Northern Crown
from Atlas Games, and d20 versions of Pulp Hero products from Hero Games.
Owned and operated by Gareth-Michael Skarka.
Adept Games
- Boston, MA (USA)
Former small-press makers of supplements for Atlas Games'
Unknown Armies and the skirmish-level fantasy game
"Blood and Honor". Also makers of the free RPG
Plain English Roleplaying.
Headed by Mike Mearls, along with Ydnan Gverlo, Fiona Von Pucci,
and Alfredo Teriyaki. Founder Mike Mearls was hired by Wizards
of the Coast in 2005.
Adept Press
- PO Box 14616, Chicago, IL 60614 (USA)
Small-press makers of an electronically-published
modern magic RPG,
Sorcerer, and the humorous fantasy RPG
Elfs, both by Ron Edwards.
Adventure Games, Inc.
- 1278 Selby Ave, St. Paul, MN 55104 (USA)
Former publishers of the
Adventures in Fantasy RPG (created by Dave Arneson and
Richard Snider, Excalibre Games) and
the boardgame "Johnny Reb".
Adventure Planning Service
- (Japan)
Japanese publishers of the fantasy RPG,
Meikyu Kingdom (2004) by Touichirou Kawashima.
Founded in 1987.
Adventures for Christ
- (USA)
Small-press makers of the Christian "adventure learning" RPG
DragonRaid. A division of the Lamb's Bride Project.
Adventure Simulations
- Mitcham, Victoria (Australia)
Small-press makers of the Australian superhero RPG
Super Squadron (1984) by Joseph Italiano, along with
"Multiverse" magazine. In 1986 Joe gave up publication
and went on to open a comic/game/media store, "Alternate Worlds".
Adversary Games
- Florida (USA)
A small-press company in the early 80's run by Carl Smith out of
Florida. Former makers of the
Buccaneer historical RPG and the
Acquitane fantasy RPG as well as xD&D
supplements such as "Alchemist's Abode".
- New York (USA)
Small-press makers of the time-travel RPG
Continuum (1999). Founded in 1987 as producers of the
"Yamara" comic strip. A New York-based company, working in
conjunction with "Dreamcatcher Multimedia".
Aetheral FORGE
- San Francisco, CA (USA)
Small-press makers of the superhero RPG
Power Grrrl (2004) and the space opera RPG
Hellas: Worlds of Sun and Stone (2008).
The imprint of author Michael Fiegel and technical guru Corey Mosher.
Afterthought Images
- P.O. Box 3096, Richland, WA 99352 (USA)
Small-press makers of the professional wrestling RPG
All Star Wrestling by Paul Schulze.
Agents of Gaming
- Dayton, OH(USA)
Former creators of the tabletop miniatures game Babylon 5 Wars (1997).
It was started in 1992 by Bruce Graw to run Star Fleet Warlord,
a play-by-mail game formerly called Galactic Conquest that became
an official Star Fleet Universe product in cooperation with
ADB, Inc. The company closed shop in 2002.
Aiolos (Αιολος)
- xxxxxxxx 35, 106 81 xxxxx (Greece)
Greek makers of the
Zontana Epi RPG, set in mythic era Greece.
Airweaver Games
- 6 Crescent Place, Melrose, MA 02176 (USA)
Small-press makers of 3rd edition D&D (aka "D20") adventures.
Staff include author Heywood Finnegan, artist Mark F. Hudson,
and producer James Hazeltine.
Akashia Live Action Roleplaying Association
- 504 Southridge Drive Lexington, KY 40505 (USA)
Small-press makers of the live-action fantasy-genre RPG rules
Akrito Editora
- (Brazil)
Brazilian makers of the
Crepúsculo RPG, by Cristiano Chaves.
Founded by the authors of the RPG "Desafio dos Bandeirantes"
(Challenge of the Bandeirantes) and other RPGs and game-books:
Flavio Andrade and Carlos Eduardo Klimick Pereira.
Alderac Entertainment Group
- 4045 East Guasti Road, Suite #212, Ontario, CA 91761 (USA)
Makers of
Legend of the Five Rings,
7th Sea, and
Brave New World RPGs. Former publishers of "Shadis"
Alephtar Games
- (Italy)
Small-press makers of games including the paranormal detective RPG,
Nameless Streets (2010),
and the martial arts RPG,
Aegis (2011),
as well as supplements for RuneQuest and the Basic Roleplaying system
including "BRP Rome", "Merrie England", and others. Headed by
Paolo Guccione.
Alice RPS
- (UK)
Small press makers of
Alice - Single Die Roleplaying System.
Alltid Attack
- (Sweden)
A Swedish company, makers of the Swedish-language horror RPG
Alternate Realities Publications
- (USA)
Small-press company, makers of
The World of Barador RPG, and the supplement
"Big Bang: The Mostly Illustrated RPG Guide to Firearms" for
various RPG systems, as well as various D20 products, paper
miniatures, and an upcoming new Cyberpunk genre RPG.
Founded in 1995 for producing the Barador RPG, published
in 1998.
Amagi Games
- Edmonton, Alberta (Canada)
Small-press makers of
The Cog Wars (2008)
as well as various free RPGs.
An imprint of author Levi Kornelsen.
Amarillo Design Bureau
- Amarillo, TX (USA)
Publishers of the science fiction wargame Star Fleet Battles and
related games, including later editions of the role-playing game
Prime Directive for the GURPS and D20 systems. Founded by
Steve and Leanna Cole in 1981, with partner Steve Petrick.
Ambient, Inc.
- Vankleek Hill, Ontario (Canada)
Small-press makers of 3rd edition D&D (aka "D20") supplements,
published electronically through
rpgnow.com or in print through
Mystic Eye Games.
Founded by M. Jason Parent and Denise Robinson, along with
artist Tony Monorchio.
Anansi Games LLC
- (USA)
Small-press makers of the horror RPG
Terror Thirteen (2009).
Founded by author Eric A. Kugler.
Anarchy inK
- 9226 Waterside Dr., Suite 205, Middleton, WI 53562 (USA)
Small-press makers of the post-nuclear-holocaust RPG
deadEarth. Free preview versions are available.
Founded by J.T. Smith and Chris Hagness.
Anthropos Games
- Austin, TX (USA)
Small-press makers of the
Early Dark RPG (2011).
Founded in 2011 by owner Calvin Johns, developer Travis Rinehart,
and artist and graphic designer Christopher Heath. Their stated
goal is to create RPGs "each with a unique mechanic, realistic
societies and ecologies, and a progressive perspective on the
human experience."
AntiPaladin Games
- Louisville, KY (USA)
Small-press makers of the universal system
Mini Six (2009).
The imprint of authors Phil Morris and Ray Nolan.
- 18419 Carriage Lane, Lansing, IL 60438 (USA)
Small-press makers of adventures and supplements for 3rd edition
D&D (aka "D20"). Staff include J. Lloyd.
- New Orleans, LA (USA)
Small-press makers of
Paladin, and
The Shadow of Yesterday.
It is the RPG imprint of author Clinton R. Nixon.
Apex Publications, Inc.
- PO Box 20405 Bloomington, MN 55420 (USA)
Small-press makers of the modern-day fantasy RPG
Shattered Dreams and possibly an RPG entitled
"With Extreme Prejudice".
Apocrypha Studios
- Moncton, NB (Canada)
Small-press makers of
Ngenesis: the Trials of Flesh (2008).
Principles include author Justin Killam and Damien Hunt.
Apophis Consortium
- (USA)
Small-press makers of the mystic science-fantasy RPG
Obsidian, headed by Micah Skaritka and Dav Harnish,
along with others.
Arcanum Syndicate
- Orlando, FL (USA)
Small-press makers of the post-apocalyptic science fantasy game,
Chaos 6010 A.D. (2008).
An imprint of author Brandon Williams.
Arc Dream Publishing
- 12215 Highway 11, Chelsea, AL 35043 (USA)
Small-press makers of supplements for the WWII-era superhero RPG
Godlike (2002) by
Dennis Detwiller. They plan a number of Godlike spinoff RPGs,
including "Wild Talents", "Ghosts", "Teenagers+", and "Blood and Lightning".
Founded in November 2002 by Dennis Detwiller (Creative Director)
and Shane Ivey (President and Managing Editor).
Dennis Detwiller is a founding member of
Pagan Publishing,
and author of Delta Green (1997), Delta Green: Countdown (2000),
and Godlike (2002). Shane Ivey is a writer and editor who has
worked with Pagan Publishing for several years.
Archaia Studios Press
- 96 Linwood Plaza PMB 360, Fort Lee, NJ 07024 (USA)
Small-press makers of the swords-and-sorcery fantasy RPG,
Artesia: Adventures in the Known World (2005),
by author Mark Smylie based on his own comic series.
Founded in 2002 by the author as a new home for his comic book,
Artesia, originally published by Sirius Entertainment.
Archangel Games
- PO Box 481, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 (USA)
Former small-press makers of the bizarre sci-fi RPG
(set in a futuristic hive-mind), the
Extreme Vengeance RPG, and the humorous card game
"Groo". Founded around 1997 by Ken Whitman and others.
Ken Whitman went on to
Dynasty Presentations, Inc..
Archangel Studios, LLC
- PO Box 9156, North Hollywood, CA 91609 (USA)
Small-press makers of 3rd edition D&D (aka "D20") supplements.
Argonaut Game Studios
- Omaha, NE (USA)
Small-press makers of the fantasy RPG
Shades of Heroes
Arion Games
- (UK)
Small-press makers of electronically-published paper miniatures, as
well as publishers of the electronic edition of the
Maelstrom RPG, originally published in 1984 by Alexander Scott
via Puffin Books.
The Armory
- Baltimore, MD (USA)
Former gaming distributor who made numerous gaming accessories
such as paints and painting accessories for miniatures.
In 1998 they merged with Chessex
to form Alliance Distribution. "The Armory" still exists as a
brand name and their products are available through Chessex.
Arrose Enterprises
- 2848 Salena St, St. Louis, MO 63118 (USA)
Small-press makers of the
Second Dawn RPG: fantasy genre with sci-fi elements (1982).
The game was supposedly popular in Europe from 1982-1986 among
several US soldiers who helped test the product.
- (Japan)
A Japanese computer company founded by Kazuhiko Nishi in May 1977,
which also publishes some tabletop RPGs. It was one of the pioneers
of computer industry in Japan, and once was the exclusive distributor
of Microsoft products in Japan. After failures of MSX project
(a standard of microcomputers launched in June 1983 together with
Microsoft) and other technology and finance disasters, the company
is no longer a leader in the computer market.
Asterion Press
- (Italy)
Small-press makers of the dark fantasy / horror RPG
Nephandum (2005) and the fantasy RPG
Empyrea (2006)
(both using the D20 system), along with the post-apocalyptic horror RPG
Sine Requie (2006).
Astral Tower Games
Small-press makers of the new "Universal Combat System"
which is a wargaming/miniatures system.
Atarashi Games
- Portland, OR (USA)
Small-press publishers of the RPG
Panty Explosion (2006) about demon-fighting Japanese schoolgirls.
Founded by authors Jake Richmond and Matt Schlotte in June of 2006 for
the purpose of publishing their RPG.
- ZIPEC - 15, Avenue Descartes, 92350 Le Plessis Robinson (France)
A French-language RPG company, makers of
Premiers Áges.
Atlas Games
- PO Box 131233, Roseville, MN 55113 (USA)
Makers of the surreal intrigue RPG
Over the Edge, along with
Ars Magica (4th ed),
Feng Shui (2nd ed),
Unknown Armies,
Furry Pirates (co-published with
Furry Games),
and the tabloid universe RPG
Pandemonium. Founded in the early 90's with OtE and the
related "On the Edge" collectible card game. Headed by John
Atomic Hyrax Games
- c/o Jon Wilkie, PMB 329, 2608 Second Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121-1276 (USA)
Small-press makers of the
Purgatory supernatural conspiracy RPG. Founded by
Jon Wilkie in 1999.
Atomic Overmind Press
- Alexandria, VA (USA)
Small-press makers of supplements for the HERO System and
Savage Worlds, including the "Adventures in Darkness" horror
superhero setting, and "The Day After Ragnarok" setting.
Founded in 2008.
Atomic Sock Monkey Press
- Alexandria, VA (USA)
Small-press makers of the horror RPG
Dead Inside: The Roleplaying Game of Loss and Redemption.
Founded by author Chad Underkoffler in 2003.
Auran d20 Adventures
- PO Box 1026, New Farm 4005, QLD (Australia)
Small-press makers of 3rd edition D&D (aka "D20") adventures.
An Australian computer games and 3D technology company.
Aurora Games
- 26 Locust Street, Burlington, MA 01803 (USA)
Small-press makers of the
Aurora hard science-fiction RPG, released in early 2002.
Founded by Stephen Mulholland.
Autarch LLC
- (USA)
Small-press makers of
Adventurer Conqueror King System (2012).
Founded as a partnership of gamers, writers, artists and publishers from
New York City to Durham, NC.
Avalanche Press
- (USA)
Small-press makers of 3rd edition D&D (aka "D20") supplements
in various historical / mythical settings, along with various
wargames which form their primary lines.
Avalon Games
- Oregon (USA)
Makers of dozens of board games, miniature games, and various RPG
supplements - as well as partner to other game companies including
Bedrock Games.
Founded in September 2009 as a partnership between CEO William Andersen
(of Comstar Media)
and Product Developer Robert Hemminger (of board games company
Bad Baby Productions). They are collaboratively working with
large teams of freelancers.
Avalon Hill
- Baltimore, MD (USA)
A wargames company. Former makers of
Runequest (3rd ed),
Lords of Creation,
Powers and Perils, and
Tales from the Floating Vagabond.
Founded in 1958 by Charles Roberts with the wargame
"Gettysburg", for nearly a decade it was the only producer
of wargames of note. Later presidents were Tom Shaw and Don
Greenwood after Roberts left. In 1967, former AH designer James
Dunnigan left to found
AH was bought by Hasbro in 1998 and is no longer supporting
any RPG lines.
- (Sweden)
A Swedish company, makers of the Swedish-language RPGs
Drakar och Demoner and
This was mainly a brand name and trademark for
Target Games,
but may have had some releases as an independent entity.
Ayatolah Games
- Seville (Spain)
Small-press makers of the Spanish-language RPGs, including the
post-apocalyptic game
Erial (2004)
and the superhero game
Xtraídos (2004)
and the humorous teen horror game
Hallowteen (2004).
Founded by editor and writer Carlos Correia along with
Illustrator and Art Director Javi BIT, writer Vicente de los Santos,
and illustrators Carlos Lima, Hissam Rahal, Ibon Sánchez,
Jacobo Marquez, Jordi Planellas, Luis Miguel Rodriguez,
Luis Miguel Seco, and Marce Hernandez.
Azathot, LLC
- (USA)
Small-press makers of the universal RPG system,
A Fistful Of Dice and the upcoming science fiction
RPG "Gravity Point" (using the Action! System from
Gold Rush Games.
Founded by Judas I. Zeh and his brother BradZ.
John H. Kim <jhkim-at-darkshire-dot-net>
Last modified: Mon Jul 2 09:16:03 2018