The following are a list of the star names in sorted alphabetical order. So if you're looking for an "S" name, this list makes it a little easier. Independent stars and constellations are shown with their name in boldface, with the number of stars in parentheses after the names.
NAME | Alternate Names | Constellation | Meaning |
Acamar | Eridanus | end of the river | |
Achemar | Eridanus | end of the river | |
Achird | Cassiopeia | (unknown) | |
Acrux | Crux | first of the cross | |
Acubens | Cancer | claw | |
Adhafera | Leo | curl of the hair | |
Adhil | Andromeda | train of a garment | |
Ain | Taurus | eye of the bull | |
Al Athfar | Lyra | talons (with Aladfar) | |
Al Bali | Aquarius | the swallower | |
Al Dhanab | Grus | tail | |
Al Gieba | Leo | forehead | |
Al Giedi | Capricornus | goat | |
Al Haud | Ursa Major | the pond | |
Al Na'ir | Grus | the bright | |
Al Nair | Indus | bright | |
Al Niyat | Scorpius | the arteries | |
Al Reschia | Rischia | Pisces | rope |
Al Thalimain | Aquila | the two ostriches (actually two stars) | |
Aladfar | Lyra | talons (with Al Athfar) | |
Albireo | Cygnus | iris | |
Alchibah | Corvus | tent | |
Alcor | Ursa Major | black horse (?) | |
Alcyone | Pleadies | queen who wards off evil and storms | |
Aldebaran | Taurus | follower | |
Alderamin | Cepheus | right forearm | |
Alfirk | Cepheus | flock | |
Algenib | Pegasus | flank | |
Algol | Perseus | the ghoul / the demon star | |
Algorab | Corvus | raven | |
Alioth | Ursa Major | black horse / black bull | |
Alkaid | Benetnasch | Ursa Major | the leader / daughters of bier |
Alkalurops | Bootes | shepherd's crook | |
Alkes | cup | ||
Almach | Andromeda | the weasel | |
Almeisan | Alhena | Gemini | shining / the mark |
Alnilam | Orion | arrangment of pearls (middle of the belt) | |
Alnitak | Orion | belt (east) | |
Alphard | Cor Hydrae | Hydra | solitary / heart of the hydra |
Alpheratz | Sirrah | Andromeda | the horse or the navel |
Alsafi | Draco | cooking tripod | |
Alshain | Aquila | falcon | |
Altair | Aquila | flying one | |
Alterf | Leo | glance | |
Aludra | Canis Major | maidenhood | |
Alula Australis | Ursa Major | first leap of the gazelle | |
Alula Borealis | Ursa Major | first leap of the gazelle | |
Alya | Serpens | the tail of a sheep | |
Ancha | Aquarius | hip-bone | |
Andromeda (5) | Andromedae | the daughter of Cassiopeia | |
Angetenar | Eridanus | curve of the river | |
Ankaa | Phoenix | (a magical bird) | |
Antares | Scorpius | anti-Ares (rival of Mars) | |
Antlia | Antliae | the pump | |
Apus | Apodis | the bird of paradise | |
Aquarius (8) | Aquarii | the water carrier | |
Aquila (5) | Aqualae | the eagle | |
Ara (2) | Arae | the altar | |
Arcturus | Bootes | bear-guard | |
Aries (5) | Arietis | the ram | |
Arkab | Sagittarius | hamstrikng | |
Arneb | Lepus | hare | |
Arrakis | Draco | dancer | |
Ascella | Sagittarius | armpit | |
Asellus Astralius | Cancer | southern donkey | |
Asellus Borealis | Cancer | northern donkey | |
Asmidiske | Puppis | little shield | |
Asterope | Pleadies | lightning / twinkling / sun-face | |
Atik | Perseus | shoulder | |
Atlas | Pleadies | he who dares suffers (father) | |
Atria | Triangulum Australe | height of the triangle | |
Auriga (7) | Aurigae | the charioteer | |
Auva | Virgo | the barker | |
Avior | Carina | (unknown meaning, modern) | |
Azelfafage | Cygnus | tortoise (originally a part of Lyra) | |
Azha | Eridanus | hatching place | |
Baham | Pegasus | livestock | |
Baten Kaitos | Cetus | belly of Cetus | |
Beid | Eridanus | ostrich eggs | |
Bellatrix | Orion | warrioress | |
Betelgeuse | Orion | hand of Al-Jazwa | |
Bootes (7) | Bootis | the oxherd | |
Botein | Aries | little belly | |
Caelum | Caeli | the graving tool | |
Camelopardalis | the giraffe | ||
Cancer (6) | Cancri | the crab | |
Canes Venatici (3) | Canum Venaticorum | the hunting dogs | |
Canis Major (7) | Canis Majoris | the big dog | |
Canis Minor (3) | Canis Minoris | the little dog | |
Canopus | Carina | Menelaus's helmsman | |
Capella | Auriga | she-goat | |
Caph | Cassiopeia | palm | |
Capricornus (5) | Capricorni | the horned goat | |
Carina (5) | Carinae | the keel of the Argo | |
Cassiopeia (7) | Cassiopeiae | the wife of Cepheus | |
Castor | Gemini | beaver / first twin | |
Celaeno | Pleadies | swarthy | |
Centaurus (6) | Centauri | the centaur | |
Cepheus (6) | Cephie | a legendary king | |
Cetus (7) | Ceti | the whale or the menace | |
Chamaeleon | Chamaeleontis | the chamaeleon | |
Chara | Canes Venatici | joy | |
Cheleb | Celbalrai | Ophiuchus | dog of the shepherd |
Choo or Qu | Ara | staff | |
Circinus | Circini | a pair of compasses | |
Columba (4) | Columbae | the dove | |
Coma Berenices | Comae Berenices | Bernice's lock of hair | |
Cor Caroli | Canes Venatici | heart of Charles | |
Corona Australis | Coronae Australis | the southern crown | |
Corona Borealis (3) | Coronae Borealis | the norther crown | |
Corvus (6) | Corvi | the crown / the raven | |
Coxa | Chort / Chertan | Leo | hip / small rib |
Crater | Crateris | the cup | |
Crux (4) | Crucis | the cross | |
Cujam | Hercules | club | |
Cursa | Eridanus | chair / footstool (of Orion) | |
Cygnus (7) | Cygni | the swan | |
Dabih | Capricornus | slaughterer | |
Delphinus (4) | Delphini | the dolphin | |
Deneb | Cygnus | tail of the hen | |
Deneb Algiedi | Capricornus | tail of the goat | |
Deneb or Al Dhanab al Dulfim | Delphinus | tail of the dolphin | |
Denebola | Leo | tail of the lion | |
Diphda | Deneb Kaitos | Cetus | frog / tail of Cetus |
Dorado | Doradus | the goldfish | |
Draco (13) | Draconis | the dragon | |
Dschubba | Scorpius | forehead | |
Dubhe | Dubh / Dubb / Alruccabah | Ursa Major | bear |
Dziban | Draco | the two jackals | |
Edasich | Draco | hyena | |
El Nasl | Sagittarius | arrowhead | |
El Nath | Taurus | the butting | |
Electra | Pleadies | amber | |
Eltanin | Draco | snake (arabic) | |
Enif | Pegasus | nose | |
Equuleus (2) | Equulei | the little horse | |
Er Rai | Cepheus | shepherd | |
Eridanus (10) | Eridani | the river | |
Fomalhaut | Piscis Austrinus | mouth of the fish | |
Fornax | Fornacius | the furnace | |
Fum al Samakah | Pisces | the fish's mouth | |
Furud | Canis Major | solitary ones | |
Gacrux | Crux | gamma of the cross | |
Gemini (9) | Geminorium | the twins | |
Gemma | Alphecca | Corona Borealis | gem or the broken |
Giauzar | Draco | dragon | |
Gienah | Cygnus | wing | |
Gomeisa | Canis Minor | the bleary eyed | |
Graffias | Acrab | Scorpius | claws / scorpion |
Grumium | Draco | jaw | |
Grus (3) | Gruis | the crane | |
Hadar | Agena | Centaurus | unknown |
Hamal | Aries | ram | |
Heka | Meissa | Orion | white spot / shining |
Hercules (8) | Herculis | a famous hero | |
Heze | Virgo | unknown | |
Homam | Pegasus | the high-minded man | |
Horologium | Horologii | Hercules | the clock |
Hydra (4) | Hydrae | a legendary dragon | |
Hydrus | Hydri | the water serpent | |
Indus (2) | Indi | the Indian | |
Jabbah | Scorpius | forehead | |
Jabhat al Akrab | Scorpius | scorpion's forehead | |
Kabdhilinan | Auriga | anklebone of the rein-holder | |
Kaffaljidhmah | Cetus | cut-short hand | |
Kaus Australis | Sagittarius | bow (southern) | |
Kaus Borealis | Sagittarius | bow (northern) | |
Kaus Media | Sagittarius | bow (middle) | |
Ke Kuan | Centaurus | cavalry officer | |
Keid | Eridanus | broken eggshell | |
Kerhah | Cepheus | blaze | |
Kitalpha | Equuleus | part of the horse | |
Kochab | Kokab | Ursa Minor | star |
Kornephoros | Hercules | club-bearer | |
Kraz | Corvus | unknown | |
Kuma | Draco | as last | |
Lacerta | Lacertae | the lizard | |
Leo (11) | Leonis | the lion | |
Leo Minor (2) | Leonis Minoris | the little lion | |
Lepus (3) | Leporis | the hare | |
Lesath | Lesuth | Scorpius | sting / bite |
Libra (5) | Librae | the scales | |
Lupus (2) | Lupi | the wolf | |
Lynx | the lynx | ||
Lyra (6) | Lyrae | the lyre | |
Maaz | Auriga | he-goat | |
Maia | Pleadies | mother / grandmother / nurse | |
Marfik | Ophiuchus | elbow | |
Markab | Vela | ship | |
Massim | Hercules | wrist | |
Matar | Pegasus | rain | |
Mebsuta | Gemini | outstretched | |
Megrez | Ursa Major | insertion point | |
Mekbuda | Gemini | pulled in paw | |
Men | Lupus | unknown | |
Menkalinan | Auriga | shoulder of him of the reigns | |
Menkar | Menkab | Cetus | nostril |
Menkent | Centaurus | shoulder of the center | |
Menkib | Perseus | shoulder | |
Mensa | Mensae | the table | |
Merak | Mirak | Ursa Major | loins |
Merope | Pleadies | eloquent / bee-eater / mortal | |
Mesarthim | Aries | servants | |
Miaplacidus | Carina | placid waters | |
Microscopium | Microscopii | the microscope | |
Mimosa | Crux | (name of a plant) | |
Minhar al Shuja | Hydra | the snake's nose | |
Minkar | Corvus | beak | |
Mintaka | Orion | belt (west) | |
Mira | Cetus | wonderful | |
Mirach | Andromeda | the loins | |
Mirak | Izar/ Pulcherrima | Bootes | loins / loincloth |
Mirfak | Marfak | Perseus | elbow |
Mirzam | Canis Major | (unknown meaning) | |
Mizar | Ursa Major | corruption of "Mirak (loins)" | |
Monoceros | Monocerotis | the unicorn | |
Mothallah | Caput Trianguli | Triangulum | head of the triangle |
Muhlifain | Centaurus | unknown | |
Muliphein | Canis Major | two causing dispute / swearing an oath | |
Mulu-lizi | Libra | man of fire | |
Muphrid | Bootes | isolated / lance-bearer's | |
Musca | Muscae | the fly | |
Muscida | Ursa Major | muzzle | |
Na'ir al Saif | Orion | bright tip of the sword | |
Naos | Puppis | ship | |
Nashira | Capricornus | she who brings good news | |
Nekkar | Nakkar | Bootes | cattleman |
Nihal | Lepus | camels drinking | |
Nodus Secundus | Altais | Draco | second knot |
Norma | Normae | the carpenter's level | |
Nunki | Sagittarius | of Enki | |
Nusakan | Corona Borealis | the two series | |
Octans | Octanis | the octant | |
Ophiuchus (7) | Ophiuchi | the snake holder | |
Orion (10) | Orionis | the hunter | |
Pavo (2) | Pavonis | the peacock | |
Pegasus (9) | Pegasi | the winged horse | |
Perseus (5) | Persei | the heroic rescuer of Andromeda | |
Phact | Phaet | Columba | dove |
Phad | Phecda | Ursa Major | thigh |
Pherkab | Ursa Minor | calf | |
Phoenix (2) | Phoenicis | the phoenix | |
Pictor | Pictoris | the painter (or the easel) | |
Pisces (3) | Piscium | the fish | |
Piscis Austrinus (2) | Piscis Austrini | the southern fish | |
Pleadies (11) | (a cluster within Taurus) | ||
Pleione | Pleadies | sailing queen (mother) | |
Polaris | Ursa Minor | pole star | |
Pollux | Gemini | much wine / second twin | |
Porrima | Virgo | (Roman goddess of childbirth) | |
Praecipula | Leo Minor | principal star | |
Prijipati | Auriga | Lord of Creation | |
Primus Hyadum | Taurus | first Hyad | |
Procyon | Canis Minor | before the dog | |
Propus | Tejat prior | Gemini | forward foot |
Puppis (3) | Puppis | the poop deck (of the Argo) | |
Pyxis | Pyxidis | the box, the compass or the Argo | |
Rana | Eridanus | frog | |
Ras Algethi | Hercules | head of the kneeling one | |
Ras Alhague | Ophiuchus | head of the snake | |
Ras Elased | Leo | head of the lion | |
Rasalas | Leo | head of the lion | |
Rastaban | Draco | head of the snake | |
Regulus | Cor Leonis / Kalb | Leo | Heart of the Lion |
Reticulum | Reticuli | the net (or the optical instrument) | |
Rigel | Orion | foot | |
Rigel Kentaurus | Rigilkent | Centaurus | foot of the centaur |
Rotanev | Delphinus | Venator backwards | |
Ruchba | Cygnus | hen's knee | |
Ruchbah | Rukbah | Cassiopeia | knee |
Rukbat | Sagittarius | knee | |
Sabik | Ophiuchus | the preceding | |
Sadachbia | Aquarius | lucky star of tents | |
Sadal Melik | Aquarius | lucky star of the king | |
Sadal Suud | Aquarius | luck of lucks | |
Sadalbari | Pegasus | lucky star of the excellent one | |
Sadatoni | Auriga | two young goats | |
Sadr | Cygnus | breast | |
Sagitta | Sagittae | the arrow | |
Sagittarius (9) | Sagittarii | the archer | |
Sargas | Scorpius | seizer / smiter / weapon of the god of war | |
Sarin | Hercules | unknown | |
Scheat | Pegasus | leg | |
Schedar | Shedir | Cassiopeia | breast |
Schemali | Cetus | northern (branch of the tail) | |
Scorpius (10) | Scorpii | the scorpion | |
Sculptor | Sculptoris | the sculptor (originally the studio) | |
Scutulum | Aspidiske | Carina | little shield |
Scutum | Scuti | the shield | |
Segin | Navi | Cassiopeia | (unknown) |
Serpens (4) | Serpentis | the snake | |
Sextans | Sextantis | the sextant | |
Shaula | Scorpius | raised tail | |
Sheliak or Shelyak | Lyra | harp | |
Sheratan | Aries | the two signs | |
Signus | Bootes | (a bastardized version of Thegius, Medevial Latin from Arabic transliteration of Greek "bootes") | |
Sirius | Canis Major | scorching | |
Situla | Aquarius | water jar | |
Skat | Scheat / Seat | Aquarius | the shin |
Spica | Azimech | Virgo | ear of wheat |
Sualocin | Delphinus | Nicolaus backwards | |
Suhail | Vela | unknown | |
Sulafat | Lyra | tortoise | |
Syrma | Virgo | train of a garment | |
Talitha Australis | Ursa Major | third leap of the gazelle | |
Talitha Borealis | Dnoces | Ursa Major | third leap of the gazelle |
Tania Australis | Ursa Major | second leap of the gazelle | |
Tania Borealis | Ursa Major | second leap of the gazelle | |
Tarazed | Aquila | plundering falcon | |
Tarf | Cancer | glance / eye | |
Taurus (5) | Tauri | the bull | |
Taygeta | Pleadies | long-necked | |
Tegmine | Cancer | cover | |
Tejat | Gemini | foot? | |
Telescopium | Telescopii | Pleadies | the telescope |
Thabit | Orion | fixed star | |
The Garnet Star | Cepheus | unknown | |
The Peacock Star | Pavo | the peacock | |
Thuban | Draco | snake | |
Tian Ke | Vela | heaven's record | |
Triangulum (2) | Tranguli | the triangle | |
Triangulum Australe (2) | Trianguli Australis | south triangle | |
Tsih | Ci | Cassiopeia | (whip?) |
Tucana | Tucanae | the toucan | |
Tyl | Kin Yu | Draco | unknown / goldfish |
Ukdah | Hydra | the knot | |
Unuk Al Hay | Unukalhai | Serpens | neck of the snake |
Ursa Major (17) | Ursae Majoris | the big bear | |
Ursa Minor (5) | Ursae Minoris | the little bear | |
Vega | Lyra | the swooping eagle | |
Vela (5) | Velorum | the sails | |
Vindemiatrix | Virgo | vine-harvester (female) | |
Virgo (9) | Virginis | the virgin | |
Volans | Volantis | the flying fish | |
Vulpecula | Vulpeculae | the little fox | |
Wasat | Gemini | middle of the sky | |
Wezen | Canis Major | the weight | |
Wezn | Wazn | Columba | weight |
X-1 | the first discovered black hole (not visible) | ||
Yed Posterior | Ophiuchus | eastern hand | |
Yed Prior | Ophiuchus | western hand | |
Yildun | Ursa Minor | star | |
Zaniah | Virgo | corner | |
Zaurak | Eridanus | boat | |
Zavijava | Alaraph | Virgo | barker's corner / grape gatherer |
Zhou | Serpens | an imperial dynasty | |
Zi | Dz | Columba | son |
Zi Ceng | Leo | second general | |
Zozma | Leo | loincloth | |
Zuben El Genubi | Libra | southern claw (of the scorpion) | |
Zuben Eschamali | Libra | northern claw (of the scorpion) | |
Zubenhakrabi | Zubanalakrab | Libra | scorpion's claw |