The Storyteller's Chapter

Traits . - . Traits . - . Traits


Dispassions are something that due to the genre will rarely come into play and might be considered superflous. Therefore I'm moving them to the Storyteller chapter and leaving it to the Storyteller as to whether or not the group should mess with them. Dispassions are mechanically similar to passions. They may be purchased at the same cost as passions. However, instead of something that drives the character itis something that he or she is emotionally dead to. A dispassion evokes apathy and disintrest - they are emotionally dead to it and have trouble forcing themselves to become intrested in or interfere in any matter involving it. Any actions that involve a dispassion have the dispassion score added to the difficulty number and that score subtracted from the difficulty to resist doing it.

Adds and Specializations

If you are making a roll that combines Adds and a specialization you count up the natural tens first and then take a number of dice equal to those natural tens and roll those. Add your Adds to all your dice and then proceed normally. You only roll natural tens again - not those created from adding Adds. For example, Ranma has a dice pool of his Strength (5) + Punch (5), an adds score of three with punch and a strength specialization with upper body - his total dice pool is ten. He rolls 3, 7, 4, 10, 4, 8, 9, 6, 5, 2. He has one natural ten and so he grabs another die from the side and rolls it, geting another 7. That was the bonus from the specialization and he will not use the specialization again. Now he adds his Adds score to all eleven results and proceeds normally.

Character Choices

Helping a player develop a character can be one of the most time consuming, demanding (and frustrating) tasks of the Storyteller - sometimes even moreso than the playing itself. Two common choices for players -and ones presented elsewhere in this book - can become serious problems that should be averted by having the Storyteller discussing the matter with players before they make that character absolute.

The first problem is playing a Ranma 1/2 cast character where players can imping on each other's characters with their choices becuase all are drawing on a common pool of background material. Imagine this scenario : Elaine is playing Akane and Chris is playing Moose. Chris and Elaine decide that Akane and Moose have discovered a long hidden attraction and get engaged. True, there is a lot of potential for exploring character reactions - a number of fan fictions have done exactly that - but players using Ranma, Shampoo or other characters and who had based their concept of playing their characters on the traditional web of love and hate relationships have suddenly had everything turned upside down. Some of them may feel resentful - to the player instead of character and that is a problem.

The second problem is non-combatants. They are available in the game to give players more options and provide an element of diversity - Nabiki and Hikaru for example. Note however that even Nabiki, although she seems a central character, is rarely involved much in the games as a central participant - instead she's off profiteering at the edges and the few manga storylines that do feature her as a main character are not adventure stories at all. Of course creative Storytellers can build stories based on the social interactions in Ranma 1/2 and is under no obligation to do adventure stories. The simple fact is that because of the different natures of combatants and non-combatants they tend to be mutually exclusive in situations. In combat the non-combatant is unlikely to be anything more than capable of surviving against serious warriors if that and in non-combat situations the abilties of the non-combatant give them a gross edge usually. Either way mixed groups will tend to be resentful as characters are left stranded to give the others "equal time." Again, I don't want it to look all bad and the option of non-combatant is still valid but should be choosen with the permission of the Storyteller who should take the games he/she has planned first.

Dramatic Systems . Dramatic Systems


The Street Fighter books shows you how to deal with attacks by counter attacking and blocking but what it doesn't make clear is how to dodge attacks. The Athletics technique could probably be better described as Movement. Using my system the standard dodge roll for combatants is combining Athletics with either the Quickness attribute or less commonly Dexterity.


What Ranma environment would be complete without Ranma and Akane baiting each other. Traditionally the Manipulation attribute would be used with an abilitiy but in taunting you aren't actually trying to control someone's reaction but get across your distaste - the principal is that they will react to you negatively for insulting you. Therefore you use Communication + Expression or if you want to be really creative buy a seperate skill in insults.