This game is free! Really! Give copies to your friends! (Written: Apr-17-1998)
Printing Instructions: Use no top/bottom margins, sides use 1/2 inch. (1 page)
Needed materials: 6-sided dice, paper, writing tools, and 2 or more players.
   StarCadets:Basic Rules
A One-Page Role-Playing Game        by Donald Hosford (
Filename:  SCADETS.HTM              With comments by Edward Golupski.
----------------------------------[Game Rules]--------------------------------
CREATING CHARACTERS: Think of a name.  |COMBAT: All characters get a chance to
 Roll 2d6 for each attribute(STrength, | do something each turn. Attacks are
 and BRains) Hits=Strength. Move is 1/2| at Average difficulty. Characters may
 Strength(round up) Choose a number of | move upto 1/2 move, and shoot at -2
 skills, no more than Brains score.    | to skill roll.
 Make one skill level 3, the rest are  |DAMAGE: Subtract armor defence, apply
 level 1. Has 70 credits to buy stuff. | remainder to character's hits. Any
SKILLS: Computer,Driver,Fight,Medic,   | character with zero hits has died.
 Repair,Science,Shoot. Add as needed.  |NPC's: Basics: ST 7, BR 7. Has only
SKILL DIFFICULTIES: Easy things: +2,   | needed skills (level 2), and stuff.
 Average things: +0, Hard things: -2.  | Experts: worked out like characters.
SKILL ROLLS: Roll 2d6,add skill level, |EXPERIENCE: All characters get 1 point
 subtract difficulty. If the total is 8| per adventure. Give 2 points for good
 or more, skill attempt was successful.| role playing. 5 points may be spent
 Rolls of 7 or less are failures.      | to increase a skill by 1 level.
Item           Cost Notes              |Item          Cost Notes
Backpack        10  10 small items.    |Ship passage   15  per day.
Cell recharger  30  recharges in 4 hour|Luxury passage 40  per day.
Comm-unit        5  5km range, 4 hours.|Flack Vest     25  Def 3. Chest/back.
Datacube         5  Holds 8 levels data|Patrol Suit    55  Def 5. Whole body.
Flashlight       5  20 hours.          |Spacesuit      80  Def 2. 10 hrs use.
Geo-scan        40  Finds chemicals,ect|Skimmer(4 man)1500 Speed 100KPH,10hour
Hand Computer   50  4 levels active,1hr|SKimmer-truck 3500 Speed 60KPH, 5hours
Hotel Room      25  per day.           |Weapon            Damage Shots Range
Medikit         40  8 uses.            | Blaster       30  2d6     4    40m
Power cell       5  Rechargeable.      | Blaster rifle 60  3d6     6    80m
Rations          6  food for 1 man.    | Knife          5  1d6    ---   ---
Toolkit         18  +2 on skill rolls. | Sword         20  1d6+3  ---   ---
Utility Cord    15  strong, 50m long.  | Spear         15  2d6     1    20m
+----------[Toronto Sector Map]-----------|------------[Adventure]------------
|. . E . . . . .|A)Toronto-Sector Capital,|SETUP: The players are at the
|. . . . . . F .| High Population, High   | Toronto spaceport. They are out of
|. D . . . . . .| Industry,Trade center.  | work. They are approached by Jans
|. . . . A . . .|B)Benton-High Pop,Med Ind| Miller(Male, middle aged,business
|H . . . . . . .|C)Karolos-Med Pop,Low Ind| suit). He wants them to guard an
|. . . . . . . B|D)Atlas fleet base-Large | important cargo delivery. He will
|. . . C . . . .| military base. Fourteen | pay 40 credits each. They meet at
|. . . . . G . .| fleet ships are here.   | a starship, and ride with the
+---------------+E)Poverty-Med Pop,Farming| cargo in the back of a truck.
1 square=1 Light|F)Standish-Low Pop,Med   |WAREHOUSE: At the warehouse, the
 Year. All ships| Ind, Ship yards.        | truck is attacked by a group of
 move at 1 light|G)Clor-Med pop,Low Ind.  | thieves.(Basic NPC's, 1 per player
 year per day.  |H)Tempus-Med pop,Low Ind.| Skills:Shoot 2, And a Blaster each)