Sexual Orientation in the Forgotten Realms

The topic of homosexuality within game worlds came up in a discussion of the Blue Rose RPG, specifically a thread on theRPGsite forums called "The Enemy Shows Himself". If you want to know more about issues in Blue Rose, I have a general essay that covers a number of myths about it "Does the Golden Hart Trample on Role-Playing?". The Forgotten Realms came out in the discussion by being cited as a more positive example of portraying homosexuality within a game world. In this post, the RPGPundit said:

In FR as Ed Greenwood envisioned it, polygamy and "free love" are very commonplace, and homosexual relationships are common without being controversial at all. Mind you, Greenwood in his own notes on the Realms was very explicit about the sexuality in the Realms (I believe you can find his extensive notes on the "Candlekeep" website, at least you used to be able to), and his notes are far more "mature" rated than any printed version of the Realms.

The earlier, TSR editions of the FR published material whitewashed this almost completely, because of the particular "morality code" that TSR had developed under Lorraine William's reign of terror.

However, the new WoTC FR is more "PG" in this subject matter, detailing openly several major NPCs who are homosexual, bisexual or polyamourous. Its done in a fairly low-keep way, just noting it as another little detail of the rich descriptiveness of the Realms as a setting.

He then clarified in a followup post, saying:

There's "gay stuff", as you put it, in the main FR book for 3.x, the core book for the setting. I don't know if there's any in the players guide since I don't own that product, nor do I have most of the other sourcebooks. Maybe someone who has more FR books than me could tell you.

In any case, you will find NPCs in openly gay relationships in the main FR book. What you won't find is a lot of preachy smugness about it, like you do in Blue Rose.

For those who don't know about it, the Forgotten Realms (also known as Faerûn) is an enormously popular setting for the Dungeons & Dragons game. There have been over a hundred game books published for it, and over two hundred novels, and several dozen comics. It is a massively and richly detailed game world. You can download the complete bibliography (13-page PDF).

Relationships in the Main Book

So I looked this up, buying the PDF of the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting book -- i.e. the main book. It does indeed include a reference on page 144. The text is as follows:

Elversult is the least Dragon Coast-ish city on the Dragon Coast. Its present ruler, a former adventurer named Yanseldara (NG female human Ftr11/Sor8) led a brilliant rebellion against the previous necromantic regime. Centuries of smuggling and intrigue cannot be undone in a decade, but those seeking dishonest deals now think twice before taking their business to Yanseldara's city, particularly since she leaves law enforcement to her consort and adventuring companion, Vaerana Hawklyn (CG female human Rgr20 of Mielikki).

This is the only reference to these characters in the book, and the only same-sex relationship mentioned. This reference might be mistaken for a typo, since the only indication is the word "female" rather than "male" in the parenthetical stats for her consort. However, it has been confirmed elsewhere that this was intentional on the part of the author. So, in a sense, I suppose it is true that the book has NPCs in openly gay relationships (there are two of them). However, as this is one word in a 320 page book, this is on the extreme edge of subtle.

Other References

I asked various FR fans whether there were any other references to homosexuality. First in an ENWorld thread Homosexuality in the Forgotten Realms (July 2007) and later in a thread on the WotC board, Sexual Orientation in the Realms (July 2007). There were some clear replies, though they seem generally agreed that it was nearly invisible. However, the only open references among characters were generally attractive bisexual women. While this does constitute alternative sexuality, including "hot bi babes" is hardly a blow for homosexual acceptance.


While there are mentions of female bisexuals that are risque for a mainstream publication, I cannot agree that the Forgotten Realms is a positive example for inclusion of homosexuals. This is not a particular criticism of the Forgotten Realms line, but more of claims made about it. There is plenty of mainstream fiction that includes openly homosexual couples, both male and female. Gay characters frequently appear on primetime television shows, as guest stars or even occaisionally as central characters. However, FR is not one of these.


J. Hanju Kim <hanjujkim-at-gmail-dot-com>
Last modified: Thu Oct 11 22:40:26 2007