NAME: Ardan RACE: Sylvan Elf ORDER: Warrior ATTRIBUTES: REACTIONS: Bearing 5 (+0) Stamina (Str/Vit) +3 Initiative +3 Nimbleness 12 (+3) Swiftness (Nim/Per) +3 Defense 13 Perception 8 (+1) Willpower (Brg/Wit) +1 Health 14 Strength 10 (+2) Wisdom (Brg/Per) +1 Reknown 0 Vitality 12 (+3) Courage 3 Wits 8 (+1) HEALTH HEAL WEARINESS Healthy -0 ooooo ooooo oooo Hale -0 o Dazed -1 ooooo ooooo oooo 10 Winded -1 o 10 min Injured -3 ooooo ooooo oooo 15 Tired -2 o 1 hour Wounded -5 ooooo ooooo oooo 20 Weary -4 o 2 hours Incapacitated -7 ooooo ooooo oooo 25 Spent -8 o 4 hours Near Death -9 ooooo ooooo oooo 30 Exhausted * o EDGES: * Dodge: +3 to Dodge tests * Furtive: +1 to Stealth and Conceal skills * Honour's Insight: +4 to Wisdom tests to resist being tricked * Night-eyed: -0 for dim lighting, -3 for total darkness * Valour: +4 to Willpower tests to resist feat * Warwise (x3): +3 to all combat skills * Woodcrafty (x2): +2 to all outdoor skills FLAWS: * Reckless * Stiff-Necked RACE ABILITIES: * Woodsy: +2 Track * The Art: +2 to all magic rolls, Enchantment ability (p83) * Beast-Skill: +4 Ride and other animal-related tests * Comfort: immune to heat/cold * Elven Form: (Fair edge) +4 to Persuade (Charm) * Elven-Sense: magical ability of Sense Power (p186) * Elven-Sleep * Farsightedness: 10 leagues sight plus Keen-eyed: +2 Observe(Spot) * Ghost-Scorn: immune to fear effects from ghosts * Lightfootedness: +4 Run, +4 Stealth, +4 Acrobatics(Balance), -4 to be tracked * Swift Healing: (Swift Recover edge) recover Health at x2 rate ORDER ABILITIES: * Evasion: roll best 2 out of 3d6 for Dodge tests SKILLS: Acrobatics +4 / +10 (Balance) Armed Combat: Blades (longsword) +12 / +14 (Longsword) Climb +3 Conceal +2 Games +4 Healing +2 / +4 (Treat Wounds) Language: Silvan +6 Language: Sindarin +4 Language: Westron +4 Lore: Realm (Mirkwood) +2 Observe +4 / +8 (Spot) Persuade +0 / +4 (Charm) Ranged Combat: Bow +11 / +13 (Longbow) Ride +2 / +8 (Horses) Run +6 Siegecraft +4 Stealth +12 / +14 (Shadow) * +2 in Woods Survival: Forest +4 Track +6 / +8 (Men) Unarmed Combat: Brawling +7 MANEUVERS Roll Damage (incl. Str) Dodge: 6 + (2/3d6) - Longsword * Basic 14 + 2d6 2d6+7 * Parry 15 + 2d6 - * Precise 16 + 2d6 2d6+5 * Charge 15 + 2d6 (2d6+7) * 1.5 [-3 Defense, opponent rolls Str test of TN12 or is knocked down] Longbow 13 + 2d6 2d6