Gudrid is a young woman of the tribe of Grimbeorn the Old. She is a descendant of the family of Beorn's wife, so Beorn was her great-uncle, and she is a cousin of the chief Grimbeorn. She is not of the bloodline of Beorn, but hers is still a line of people who are wise in the ways of nature. She has grown up as a student of the old magic of her line, spending time both among those of her kin who knew the old ways, and in the wild with the animals. Much to the distress of her parents, she spent much time exploring in the depths of Mirkwood. She has spoken to animals since a young age, and has now with effort learned to change her shape. The past decades have been good ones for the tribe of Grimbeorn, but among the wise people there is talk that their good fortune in the passing of the Necromancer from Mirkwood was perhaps greater misfortune for those elsewhere. After speaking with Radagast and the ravens of Mirkwood, Gudrid has determined to go eastward and scout out for her clan the troubles which left them many decades ago. Her contact is a bounty hunter whom she met several times as he hunted orcs in Mirkwood. In appearance, she is a dark-eyed woman of 22 with soft blonde hair cut at shoulder length. She is of average height and not heavily built, but she has great fortitude only hinted at by her steely gaze. She dresses in the manner of her tribe, in a wool tunic and leggings.