Notes on The Northern Shadow Campaign
These are some notes on the "Northern Shadow" campaign, played using
Decipher's "The Lord of the Rings" Roleplaying Game. It is set in the
region of Dale and Northern Rhovanion, during the early time period of
the War of the Ring. Though not told of in the epic, these lands did
not escape the notice of Sauron during the War of the Ring. Many
subtle intrigues, foul treacheries and heroic deeds occurred prior to
the Battle of Dale and Siege of Erebor. This is the chronicle of
the deeds of one small group of heroes in their fight against the
Shadow in the North.
Character Creation
We had a single session devoted to character creation. Most of that
was taken up by system concerns, since it amounted to learning
Decipher's CODA system. We also needed to decide on links among
the party, which was only partly solved. The PCs are:
- Ardan (Liz Henry)
An Elf of the Woodland Realm, Ardan seeks more to life than
singing songs under starlight. He prefers bawdy ballads in the
firelight of a tavern. He seeks more excitement than what the
timelessness of Elvendom can bring. Still, he's good in a pinch
with a bow and longknife.
- Borri (Jim Chokey)
Borri, son of Sigurd, is the younger brother of Snorri. He is a
craftsman of many talents, though he is most skilled at
stonework. For a Dwarf, Borri is garrulous and good-humored.
This, combined with his gluttony and girth, leads others to
think of him as a rather comic figure... a fact of which Borri
is blissfully unaware.
- Gudrid (John Kim)
Gudrid is a young cousin of Grimbeorn son of Beorn, who has
learned the speech of animals and other old magic of her
clan. She spent much of her youth exploring Mirkwood. Now in
response to dark rumors, she is scouting eastward for her clan
to hear of the doings of the Necromancer who left their region
many decades ago, but whose evil touch they still have not
forgotten or forgiven.
- Kell (Chris Wade, now NPC)
Originating from Dorwinion and the Sea of Rhûn, Kell
found port life dreary and lacking in opportunity, and became a
wilderness explorer. Setting out to investigate rumors of other
lands, he took a boat up the Running River to Esgaroth.
- Snorri (Laura Henry)
Snorri, son of Sigurd, is the older brother of Borri. He is a
metalsmith. His grasping and greedy nature is offset by his
keen interest in the construction of those wonderfulmagical
toys that the Dale market is so famous for.
- Thallin (Dennis Ruth)
Thallin is a woodman from the lower Celduin valley. He is a
scout on good terms with the elves of Mirkwood and the
Beornings of the Anduin vale. He has a marked hatred of orcs,
and will not let personal danger deter him from his quest to
rid the world of this scourge.
Selected posts related to the game:
1. The Dragon's Gems
- Play begins on Saturday, September 1 of 3017 in the
Barrel-Rider Inn of Esgaroth: i.e. Lake-Town, rebuilt in a new
location several miles from the old Lake-Town that was
destroyed by Smaug 76 years ago. The PCs are gathered
around a table.
- A fisherman has his pocket picked by a local youth, then a
high-pitched voice says "Who are you?" The fisherman grabs the
purse and begins fighting with the youth, who then cuts his
throat with a knife. The purse spills on the floor and the
youth escapes out a window. The contents are priceless gems.
Before passing out, the fisherman says "Dragon got me...
warn friends".
- There is of course a madhouse as the gems are grabbed.
Gudrid tends to the grievously wounded fisherman, staunching
his bleeding neck. Some of the other PCs take gems, but they
are all returned after then dragon's curse is mentioned and the
guard arrives -- with the exception that the dwarf Snorri keeps
one of the gems to himself.
- The guard soon arrive and the facts are soon sorted out.
The fisherman's name is Silas, and the youth is also someone
known to the town. However, he escaped by jumping in the
lake and swimming under the town. After explaining things,
Snorri follows the guards with the gems, while the others take
Silas home to his wife, where we learn of his friends Fooster
and Crant and their location.
- We question Fooster and Crant as they arrive back from fishing,
but they deny any knowledge. Subsequently, we investigate the
dwarf Freyr at the Barrel-Rider Inn -- theorizing that Silas
must have come into the Inn to meet someone with the gems, and
he seemed unusual. However, he does not leave the Inn and is
questioned by the guard around 10PM.
- At this time (10 P.M.), we split up. Gudrid watches the homes
of Fooster and Crant, joined by Kell. The others investigate
another inn which Silas more commonly frequented. Fooster and
Crant leave their homes secretly at night, so Gudrid and Kell
follow them to the waterfront where they leave with a boat.
With her magic, Gudrid sends a waterbird to tell the others
what has happened.
- Stealing a boat, we follow Fooster and Crant at a distance.
They go to the site of the old ruined Lake-Town, and dredge for
the gems of Smaug with buckets. We continue to watch them for
a while, until they then go to shore to sort through their
findings. At that point, Bori and Kell return the two boats
to Lake-Town while Ardan, Thallin, and Gudrid watch Fooster and
Crant on shore. At session end, they hear the hoofbeats of a
rider approaching.
2. The Dark Rider
- On shore, Fooster and Crant sort through their dredging and
find a bunch of gems. A dark rider comes to them along the
path. We stealthily approach to see what it is. The rider
looks through their findings, then takes a single ring and
rides off, whistling a signal to his confederates.
- At this point, a company of orcs rush down from the ridge to
attack Fooster and Crant. We engage the orcs to defend them.
In the darkness, Gudrid changed into a bear to aid in the fight
but none of the others realized it was her. The result of the
extended fight is that Fooster and Crant are wounded by orc
arrows -- one of them (?) critically. However, his wounds are
expertly treated by Gudrid and we send them back to town on
their own recognizance. A few orcs are killed but most
- We then set off to chase after the rider. Gudrid sends a
nightingale to contact her raven ally, Corak, for aid.
- We chase on through the remainder of the night into morning,
following the rider's tracks and also noting the tracks of some
orcs. We pass through a village at mid-morning, where we
hear from the residents that they heard a rider pass through
in pre-dawn or so. Meanwhile, however, they are in uproar from
hearing that a group of orcs have raided an outlying
3. Orcs in the Cottage
- At the village, we decide that the rider is too far gone for us
to hope to catch him. We eat briefly in the tavern and talk to
the child who escaped from the orcs' attack. We then decide to
aid the villagers.
- After a mere half-hour of rest, we begin to travel the ~10
miles to the raided cottage. As we approach, we and the
villagers circle around to the back of the cottage where there
are no windows. However, the orcs inside call out that there
is a woman inside with them whom they are holding hostage.
At this point, Gudrid begins to negotiate with them as the
others stealthily approach the cottage. Ardan leaps up onto
the thatched roof in elf-like fashion, while the others attempt
to sneak under the windows to the front door.
- The orcs immediately notice the approach, and one leans out the
window to attack Borri as he is the first one to sneak past a
window. At this, Ardan slices down through the thatch to
rescue the woman in the corner, following the sound of her
voice. Thallin then takes on the front door, with Borri
soon joining him. A long fight ensues.
- The result is that Ardan rescues the woman, jumps out, then
goes around to the opposite window and helps kill orcs escaping
that way. Meanwhile, several villagers help light the thatch
on fire while Bori and Thallin hold the front door. We mop up
the remainder, then chase down and kill one who escaped.
- We question three who were knocked unconcious, discovering
little new: they were hired by someone from Dol Guldur to deal
with the fishermen. We then kill them and go back to the
village to rest. Gudrid meets with a raven there and tells him
of the situation: asking the ravens' help in tracking the rider
who escaped.
- We sleep in the village and get up at dawn to head back to
Laketown to retrieve our equipment and muster aid. Upon
arriving there, a raven arrives with news that the rider headed
to the old Mirkwood road. We then plan to follow him to where
he goes, which we suspect is Dol Guldur.
John H. Kim <jhkim-at-darkshire-dot-net>
Last modified: Mon Apr 7 14:27:48 2003