This page is devoted to a narrative role-playing game, set in a Gothic fantasy world named Oneiros. From its conception, it is in many ways the land of dreams that the name implies. Cosmology, religion, and magic all revolve around the central view that reality is the dream of some greater being. It is "Gothic" in the sense of the original Gothic romances: desolate mansions by the sea, wind-swept moors, and an aristocracy reeling in a world which is leaving them behind.
I originally ran this as a campaign during my senior year of college, from 1990 to 1991. It was set in the manor house of the Barony of Mordent, where the PCs were all members of the ruling Emsworth family and their retainers. All of the player characters had dark pasts, so much of each adventure included much of their own secret plans and wrestling with personal demons. See the "Campaign Notes" link below for details.
I also have very limited notes on the rules that I used for this game, based in part on Ars Magica - but with a completely different magic system.