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Creating Items

Characters with the appropriate art, craft, or smith skill can create items. These include works of art, tools, ceramics, clothing, or any of a number of different kinds of items, including weapons.

What's Needed

Creating an item requires the appropriate skill, time, and raw materials.


Characters with the appropriate skill may create items, equipment, or artistic creations.

For example, characters with the Smith (Blacksmith) skill can create tools and simple metal items; those with Art (Calligraphy) can create fine artistic written works; those with Smith (Swordsmith) can create katana, wakizashi and no-dachi, and so on.


The time it takes to create an item varies, depending on the type of item being created. As a rule of thumb, the GM can assume it takes one full day to create simple items (small artistic works, small articles of clothing or furniture, tools, most weapons, and the like). It takes one week to create items of moderate complexity (pottery, man-sized furniture or artistic works, large items of clothing, swords, and so on). Ultimately, the GM determines the time it takes to create an item.

Raw Materials

Raw materials must also be acquired by the artisan or craftsman. The cost of the raw materials equal one-tenth the listed cost for the item being created. The cost of the materials is based on the listed cost of an average quality item.

For example, a simple wooden bucket has a listed cost of 2 monme-ite (2 silver coins). The cost of the raw materials required to create a bucket equals one tenth of a monme-ita, or about 17 zeni (17 copper coins).

A character may spend two-and-one-half times this amount (or one quarter the listed cost of the item to be created) to receive a +2 to his skill roll when creating the item (or to the total if using the Routine Quality rules, below).

Routine Quality RULE

Artisans and craftsmen can create items of a given quality without requiring a skill check. It isn't realistic to assume that a craftsman with a skill level of 5 has an equal chance of creating an item of Poor, Average or Master quality. In other words, characters shouldn't have to rely on a random roll of the dice to create something that, for their character, should be a routine task. An artisan or craftsman of a given skill level should be able to count on creating items of a quality reflecting their skill level. This section addresses that issue.

The quality of item that a character can routinely create is based on the artist or craftsman's skill level. Use the following formula to determine the quality of item that the character can routinely create, without the need of a skill roll: (2x skill level) + 10. Then compare the total with the Level of Quality Table (see the Quality of Items Extension).

For example, Toshi has a Lacquer skill of 6. To determine the quality of item he can routinely create without requiring a die roll, he uses the formula above. Two times his skill level is 12, plus 10 gives a total of 22. Checking the Routine Quality Table, we see that Toshi can routinely create items of Above Average quality without requiring a skill check to do so.

Creating Items of Higher Than Routine Quality

Characters attempting to create items of a quality higher than their indicated "routine quality" must take extra time and then make a die roll. By moving down the Time Chart one step, the character may make a skill check using their Stat + Skill + 3d6 as normal, using the low number from the range of numbers for the desired quality of item from the Levels of Quality Table.

For example, if Toshi, who can routinely create items of Above Average quality, wished to try to create a Master quality item he will need to spend additional time (i.e., move one step down the Time Chart) and make a skill check with a DN of 27.

Success: If the skill roll is successful then the item is created and of the higher quality.

Failure: A failed roll indicates that the item is created, but is only of the character's routine quality; the quality of the item is not enhanced.

Critical Failure: If a roll fails by 6 or more (i.e., if the EN is -6 or lower) the item is created, but of one step lower quality.