Braunoez-R-DMS- |
Male Internal Security Loyalty Officer
Management 12 Bootlicking 16 Chutzpah 16 Intimidation 01 Moxie 01 |
Stealth 07 Concealment 01 Security Systems 01 Sneaking 11 Surveillance 11 |
Violence 07 Agility 11 Energy Weapons 11 Unarmed Combat 01 |
Hardware 04 |
Software 05 Hacking 01 Operating Systems 09 |
Wetware 05 |
The Computer is your friend. Life here isn't so bad, once you learn how things work. The way to get ahead is by licking boots and stabbing backs. And if that is the way of God, who are you to question it? You are aspiring to be the most successful, longest-lived Troubleshooter ever -- by doing they do best.
Unfortunately, you mistimed things. In order to pass your Engineering class, you promised to go into Technical section, when you had already sworn up and down that you were an IntSec man. Both sides got a little peeved, and you were sent to a remedial mission.
You're not sure why, but when the really big trouble comes, you always manage to be on the right side of it. It's as if just before things go wrong, you get a sudden twitch pushing in the right way. It must be divine favor, you figure.
(Degree: 1)
The Computer is God's vicar on the Earth, ordering our society.
Deep within its software is the living word of God, and that
programming is gradually evolving towards revealing that perfection.
As you have learned the history, the roots of the Computer were
created deep in the past at a place called Red Mont. A prophecy
was delivered to this place, and from it the holy words of the
Computer were first coded.
Secret Skills:
(Uncommon) Alpha Complex History: 13
(Unlikely) Priestly Skills: 3
(Unhealthy) Meeting Machine Empaths: 4