This was a campaign set in the world of TSR's Gamma World game,
using the 5th edition Hero System rules. We created characters who
were all teenagers on the cusp of 18 in the village of "Far-Go" --
i.e. post-apocalyptic Fargo, North Dakota. The adventure was from the
1982 adventure module, "Famine in Far-Go" by Michael Price,
which was a tongue-in-cheek adventure story of mutant teenagers out to
prove their adulthood by a journey.
- Alf-Bruce
A young, nerdy, idealistic scientist who would turn into a
green-skinned bruiser when angry. (Played by John Kim)
- Alf-David
aka "Gecko Boy", a small wise-cracking mutant kid who could
glide on wing flaps and loved eggs. (Played by Peter Obregozo)
- Alf-Will Smith
The token pure strain human of the group and a crack archer.
(Played by Clifford Chin)
- Alf-John Bender
An abrasive, chain-smoking, slacker mutant based on John Bender
from the film, The Breakfast Club. He had armored
scales and a blinding caustic spit, plus a skin pouch where he
kept his weed. (Played by Ryan Graham)
J. Hanju Kim <hanjujkim-at-gmail-dot-com>
Last modified: Tue Oct 3 11:00:22 2006