Spirit of the Century (SotC) is an independently-produced pulp action RPG by Rob Donaghue, Fred Hicks, and Leonard Balsera -- released in 2006 by them as Evil Hat Productions.
- Stunt Summary Sheet:
PDF, and
- A listing of all the stunts in the core rules, with indents
indicating prerequisites and one-line description of the
mechanical benefits.
Pulp Sources
- A list of source material for pulp action -- including the more
modern sources from the SotC main book, and the
Daredevil Adventures
- An overview of adventures published for the old FGU system
Daredevils, which may be of inspiration for SotC plots.
Big Trouble in Little Amber
- Notes on a pulp adventure set in Zelazny's Amber universe, first
run at AmberCon NorthWest 2007.
Campaign Notes
- Notes on my first SotC game set in the canonical setting,
started in Spring 2010.
SotC Blog Posts
- My blog posts on Spirit of the Century.
External Links
J. Hanju Kim <hanjujkim-at-gmail-dot-com>
Last modified: Tue May 18 16:34:39 2010