Linguist (p116) |
Know 5 additional languages |
Gift of Tongues (p116) |
Know any mainstram language |
Walking Library (p117) |
Library equal to skill; research one time unit faster |
Photographic Memory (p117) |
Remember all reading; research two time units faster |
Studied Recall (p117) |
Fate point to memorize non-book targets (number equal to skill roll) |
Scholar (p118) |
+1 skill in defined field, +2 in specialty |
Dizzying Intellect (p118) |
Use Academics instead of Deceit within field |
It's Academic (p119) |
Once per session, may declare details for action related to field |
On Top Of It (p119) |
May spend fate point to go first |
Cut Off (p120) |
Opponents cannot generate Spin with their defense |
Ready for Anything (p120) |
Alertness considered +1 for initiative |
Run Interference (p120) |
May spend fate point to interrupt a declared action |
Danger Sense (p121) |
+2 on defense if ambushed (but may still be surprised) |
Saw It Coming (p121) |
Never suffers defense penalty from surprise |
Constant Vigilance (p122) |
May take normal action when ambushed |
Take It All In (p122) |
Use Alertness instead of Investigation to survey without searching |
The Artist's Eye (p122) |
May use Art to identify the source/creator of anything, treat as Empathy |
Virtuoso (p123) |
+1 knowledge bonus within defined field, +1 skill within specialty |
Moving Performance (p123) |
Place aspects last multiple scenes |
Stage Presence (p124) |
Halve any penalties due to distraction |
Commissions (p125) |
Once per session, use Art instead of Resources |
Do You Know Who I Am? (p125) |
May complement Rapport, Intimidation, Deceit and Contacting with Art |
Weight of Reputation (p125) |
Spend a fate point to use Art instead of Rapport, Intimidation, Deceit, or Contacting |
Razor Tongue (p124) |
Complement social skills with Art, +1 for using Intimidation to provoke |
Poison Words (p124) |
Add a specific Aspect to a target through satiric performance |
All the World's a Stage (p124) |
Use Art instead of Deceit for impersonation |
Contortionist (p126) |
May attempt otherwise impossible contortions using full Athletics skill |
Acrobat (p126) |
Difficulties reduced by two, falling rolls gain +2 bonus |
Safe Fall (p126) |
If falling near a wall or other surface, the fall is treated as two categories shorter |
Slippery (p126) |
+2 vs. knockback or push attacks, or escape from bonds |
Marathon Training (p127) |
May use Athletics instead of Endurance for extended activity |
Fast as a Leopard (p127) |
+2 to sprinting actions, or roll evenly vs horse/car |
Faster than a Leopard (p127) |
+2 to sprinting actions, or +2 vs horse/car |
Human Spider (p127) |
+2 to all climbing, may spend fate point to negate all penalties |
Mighty Leap (p128) |
Reduce height related borders by three |
Equestrian (p128) |
Use Athletics instead of Survival when riding |
Criminal Mind (p128) |
Use Burglary instead of Investigation when investigating a crime |
Tripwire Sensibilities (p128) |
Roll Burglary instead of Alertness or Investigation to avoid traps |
Trespass Tempo (p129) |
Use Burglary instead of Alertness for Initiative while executing a criminal plan |
Hatpin Maestro (p129) |
No penalties for lack of lockpicks; with proper tools, act one time unit faster |
Mental Blueprint (p129) |
+2 bonus when casing a location |
The Big Heist (p129) |
May declare additional aspects using spin from casing |
Contact (p130) |
Define a specific contact as a Companion |
Close Contacts (p131) |
Spread 3 advances among your contacts |
Network of Contacts (p131) |
May define a contact on the fly, of Average quality with 2 advances |
I Know a Guy Who Knows a Guy (p132) |
All Contacting rolls are one time unit faster, and +2 on follow-up rolls |
Insider (p132) |
Roll Contacting instead of Leadership to deal with bureaucracies |
Walk the Walk (p132) |
No penalties from unfamiliar circumstances |
Big Man (p132) |
Use Contacting instead of Resources within defined field |
Talk the Talk (p133) |
Use Rapport + 2 or Contacting when dealing with member of defined field |
Big Name (p133) |
+2 for first-time use of Rapport or Intimidation when target has heard of you |
Big Reputation (p133) |
Use Contacting skill instead of Rapport, Intimidation, Deceit, Leadership, or Resolve |
Con Man (p134) |
Use Deceit instead of Empathy to get a read on someone's weaknesses |
The Fix Is In (p134) |
Use Deceit instead of Gambling, but will be caught upon failure |
Sucker (p134) |
Design a Companion of Fair Quality with two advances |
Big Sucker (p135) |
Companion has +2 to Resources, and one more advance |
Clever Disguise (p135) |
Disguise stands up to close scrutiny at full skill, assembled in minutes with right tools |
Mimicry (p135) |
Imitate specific person after half-hour of observation |
Master of Disguise (p136) |
Pay a fate point to disappear and later reveal a nameless NPC as you in disguise |
Infiltrator (p136) |
While in disguise, roll Investigation vs. Mediocre. Each shift is a clue or message. |
Disguise of the Mind (p137) |
Roll Deceit - 2 as any skill your guise might possess |
The Honest Lie (p137) |
+2 Deceit for revealing relevant and significant truth |
Takes One to Know One (p137) |
Use Deceit instead of Empathy to detect lies |
Clever Facade (p138) |
If beat an Empathy read with Deceit, get a read on the reader |
Custom Ride (p138) |
+1 skill with signature vehicle; may spend fate point to add normal gadget |
Prototype Car (p138) |
May add any gadget; three improvements (defined between sessions) |
Car Mechanic (p139) |
Use Drive instead of Engineering to work on cars, or Drive - 1 for other vehicles |
Defensive Driving (p139) |
-1 to maneuver difficulty in a chase |
One Hand on the Wheel (p139) |
No penalty for other skill use while driving |
Turn on a Dime (p140) |
No added difficulty for narrow spaces |
Unsafe at Any Speed (p140) |
Damage to the environment is doubled |
Ebb and Flow (p141) |
Spend fate point to get free read before initiative |
Preemptive Grace (p141) |
Empathy is at +2 for initiative in social conflicts |
Track the Soul (p141) |
Use Empathy instead of Investigation to help find someone you've met |
The Skeptic's Ear (p141) |
Always know if someone is using Deceit before they roll |
Cold Read (p142) |
Get read in 2 or 3 time units less |
Heart's Secret (p142) |
Always get most important aspects upon a successful read |
Hit Them Where It Hurts (p142) |
Use Empathy instead of Intimidation to provoke, if have succeeded with Empathy before |
A Peek Inside (p143) |
With successful read, may ask one yes/no question about target's motives |
Uncanny Hunch (p165) |
See Investigation.... |
Last Leg (p144) |
May spend a fate point to defer being taken out or taking consequences |
Feel the Burn (p144) |
May take one extra moderate, physical consequence |
Face the Pain (p144) |
Once per scene, spend fate point to remove mark from injury track |
Tireless (p145) |
Roll Endurance, each shift reduces time units of sleep needed |
Bounce Back (p145) |
Reduce time to recover by two units |
Death Defiance (p146) |
If out of view of other PCs, spend half remaining fate points (min 1) to avoid death |
Developed Immunities (p146) |
Immune to common poisons, +2 vs. uncommon ones, +6 vs. ones already encountered |
One Hit to the Body (p146) |
May fill in lower wound boxes adding up to the damage (i.e. boxes 1 and 3 instead of 4) |
Thick Skinned (p147) |
Gain one additional physical stress box |
Man of Iron (p147) |
Roll over damage to lower boxes rather than higher |
Now You've Made Me Mad (p147) |
Once per scene, spend a fate point to add a wound value to a retaliatory action |
Personal Gadget (p147) |
Personal gadget with three improvements |
Universal Gadget (p148) |
Once per session, define gadget on the fly with two improvements |
Demolitions (p148) |
Explosion force +3 using properly placed charges |
Architect of Death (p148) |
Difficulty -1 and 1 time unit faster when dealing with weapons |
Grease Monkey (p149) |
Difficulty -1 and 1 time unit faster when dealing with vehicles |
Mister Fix-It (p149) |
Repair time is reduced by 2 units |
Thump of Restoration (p149) |
Spend fate point to make a gadget work for (Engineering roll) exchanges |
Brawler (p150) |
When outnumbered, defense rolls are +1; when fighting 2+ minions, damage +1 |
Dirty Fighter (p150) |
When tag an opponent's aspects, get an additional +1 |
Crippling Blow (p150) |
Once per opponent per scene, spend a fate point to make the damage a consequence |
Signature Strike (p154) |
Once per scene, inflict a consequence in addition to normal damage |
Mix it Up (p151) |
May save spin from defense rolls to use as bonus on your next attack |
Army of One (p151) |
Opponents do not get bonus of numbers against you |
Whatever's on Hand (p152) |
May use Fists instead of Weapons when using an improvised weapon |
Fists of Fury (p152) |
Opponents who use all-out defense do not get a +2 bonus |
Martial Arts (p152) |
May tag an opponent with an aspect |
Brickbreaker (p153) |
Any stress to non-character targets is doubled, once per exchange |
Demoralizing Stance (p153) |
May use Fists instead of Intimidation when displaying martial arts |
Flying Kick (p153) |
Move 1 zone and attack at full, or move 2 zones and attack at -1 |
Lethal Weapon (p154) |
May spend a fate point to increase the severity of a consequence one step |
Fist of Death (p154) |
Once per opponent per fight, spend a fate point to fill highest unchecked stress box |
Flow like Water (p153) |
Get +3 for full defense instead of +2 |
Bend like the Reed (p153) |
After getting spin on defense, may make a throw maneuver as a free action |
Gambling Man (p154) |
Compels involving gambling are escalated: 2 fate points gained or spent |
Double or Nothing (p155) |
Once per scene after losing, may call for both sides to reroll to tie or lose double |
The Devil's Own Luck (p155) |
May use Gambling skill for tests of pure luck |
Know When to Fold 'Em (p155) |
Opponent rolls secretly in advance, tells if result is above or below skill |
Never Bluff a Bluffer (p156) |
May use Gambling instead of Deceit or Empathy to deal with bluffs |
Winnings (p156) |
Once per session, use Gambling instead of Resources |
Players' Club (p156) |
May use Gambling instead of Contacting to make gambling contacts |
Gambling Buddy (p156) |
Once per session, introduce on the fly a companion with Gambling and 2 advances |
Long Shot (p157) |
Shoot 1 zone further: pistols to 3 zones, rifles to 4 or more |
Shot on the Run (p157) |
May use Guns skill as defense against physical attacks |
Stay on Target (p157) |
When aiming, roll at +1 to place an aspects, +2 with a targeting scope |
Trick Shot (p157) |
+2 on any action that involves shooting an inanimate object |
Fast Reload (p158) |
Spend fate point to cancel out of ammo consequence, or +2 vs. attempt to place ammo aspect |
One Shot Left (p158) |
May declare a last shot (in the scene) for a +3 bonus |
Rain of Lead (p158) |
Ignore 2 points of penalties when performing a block |
Quick Draw (p159) |
No penalty for drawing as a supplemental actions |
Lightning Hands (p159) |
May use Guns instead of Initiative to determine initiative |
Snap Shot (p159) |
Once per exchange, may spend a fate point to act next regardless of initiative |
Gun-Crazy (p159) |
May use Guns instead of Engineering when working with guns |
Custom Firearm (p160) |
Special guns with craftsmanship and two other improvements |
Two Gun Joe (p160) |
Increase stress of hits by 1, defense against single disarm at +1 |
Infuriate (p161) |
+2 skill to make someone angry at you |
Subtle Menace (p161) |
Use Intimidation regardless of power imbalance, reduce superior position bonus by 2 |
The Serpent's Tongue (p161) |
Use Intimidation instead of Empathy or Rapport to read through fear |
Unapproachable (p162) |
May use Intimidation instead of Resolve to defend against Rapport, Deceit, and Empathy |
Scary (p162) |
May use Intimidation instead of Resolve to defend against Intimidation |
Aura of Menace (p162) |
Spend a fate point to intimidate a target as a free action |
Aura of Fear (p162) |
Once per scene, take full action and spend fate point to intimidate all opponents at -2 |
The Promise of Pain (p163) |
Threaten and spend fate point to force a consequence instead of stress |
Steely Gaze (p163) |
Lock eyes to force Intimidation contest until interrupted or a consequence is taken |
Fearsome Gaze (p163) |
If opponent takes a consequence from Steely Gaze, he takes 2 consequences instead |
Master of Fear (p164) |
Use Aura of Fear with no -2 penalty, and minions may not roll to defend |
Scene of the Crime (p164) |
May roll Investigation in seconds when revisiting a previously investigated place |
Eye for Detail (p164) |
Spend a fate point to make a perception-based roll from memory |
Uncanny Hunch (p165) |
Once per scene, write down a guess, and if correct use Investigation or Empathy for any skill |
Lip Reading (p165) |
May eavesdrop on conversations he can only see |
Focused Sense (p166) |
When concentrating on only the specified sense, gain +2 to Investigation |
Impossible Detail (p166) |
No increased difficulty from small/subtle clues |
Quick Eye (p166) |
Investigation efforts 1 or 2 time units faster |
Personal Conspiracy (p167) |
May define a contact on the fly, of Average quality with 1 advance (2 if accept need) |
Lieutenant (p167) |
A Fair quality companion with Independent and Skilled(Leadership) and 2 advances |
Minions (p168) |
2 Average quality minions by default, plus 3 upgrades |
Reinforcements (p168) |
Spend a fate point to replace up to half your minions |
Legal Eagle (p169) |
+2 Leadership for legal procedures; process legalities 1 time unit faster |
World Court (p169) |
No penalty for lack of familiarity with the locale |
Funding (p169) |
Your organization has Resources of your Leadership minus 2 |
Instant Functionary (p170) |
Use Leadership instead of Deceit to infiltrate an organization |
Center of the Web (p170) |
Gain information from organization 1 time unit faster, or faster with shifts |
Ubiquity (p170) |
Gain information 2 time units faster, without actively contacting organization |
Unbound (p171) |
+2 Might to break bonds |
Herculean Strength (p171) |
All non-combat weight-based difficulties reduced by 2 |
Piledriver (p171) |
+4 to attacks with Might against inanimate targets |
Unstoppable (p171) |
Use Might instead of Athletics for move actions |
Wrestler (p172) |
Use Might instead of Fists for wrestling |
Body Toss (p172) |
Targets considered 1 weight factor less for throw or push |
Hammerlock (p172) |
+1 to action block by grabbing, inflict 1 stress for failed escapes |
Artificer (p172) |
Use Mysteries to improve artifacts |
Personal Artifact (p173) |
Magical item, treated as gadget with three improvements |
Rare Artifact (p173) |
Once per session, define artifact on the fly with 3 improvements, but dark past aspect |
Mesmerist (p174) |
No limits to target skills, willing targets always at +2, 1 time unit faster |
Hypnotic Speech (p174) |
With minutes of calm conversation, use Mysteries instead of Rapport or Deceit |
Mind's Shadow (p174) |
Roll Mysteries to implant or remove memories |
Enthrall (p175) |
Mesmerist attack to place temporary aspect or compel behavior through conflict |
Fortuneteller (p176) |
Make two predictions per session instead of one |
Herbal Remedies (p176) |
Roll Mysteries instead of Survival to find herbs, and instead of Science to heal |
Palm Reader (p176) |
Make a single Mysteries roll instead of Empathy |
Secrets of the Arcane (p176) |
+1 skill in defined field, +2 in specialty |
Psychic (p177) |
Use Mysteries to investigate occult climate of a place, or against supernatural surprises |
Voices from Beyond (p178) |
May summon spirits of the dead or other planes |
Words on the Wind (p179) |
Once per session, request an omen and roll Mysteries vs. Mediocre |
Spirit Companion (p178) |
A companion with 3 advances who must be called (requires 1 minute or fate point) |
Barnstormer (p179) |
Always fit plane through any possible opening, fate point for impossible |
Flawless Navigation (p179) |
Never lost under mundane circumstances, max penalty of -2 otherwise |
Fly by Night (p180) |
No increased difficulties due to environment |
Flying Ace (p180) |
Use Pilot instead of Guns to attack with armed plane |
Death From Above (p180) |
Do 2 extra points of stress with attacks from above, max once per 2 exchanges |
Walk Away From It (p180) |
Spend half remaining fate points (min 1) to avoid death in crash (including passengers) |
Personal Aircraft (p181) |
+1 skill with signature vehicle; may spend fate point to add normal gadget |
Prototype Aircraft (p181) |
May add any gadget; three improvements (defined between sessions) |
Plane Mechanic (p181) |
Use Pilot instead of Engineering to work on planes, or Pilot - 1 for other vehicles |
Best Foot Forward (p181) |
First impression roll may never be lower than base |
Five Minute Friends (p182) |
Spend fate point to make a friend in five minutes |
International (p182) |
No penalties for unfamiliarity with setting |
Ladies' Man/Popular Gal (p182) |
+2 bonus to Rapport for seduction of compatible targets |
Blather (p182) |
Roll Rapport vs Resolve or Rapport to distract continuously |
Heart on My Sleeve (p183) |
+1 to defend against Empathy read by choosing aspect to reveal, or simple fact with spin |
The Right Questions (p184) |
Use Rapport instead of Contacting to gather information from neutral or better target |
Smooth Over (p184) |
Attempts to calm someone down receive a +2 bonus |
Smooth Recovery (p184) |
Take one additional moderate social or mental consequence |
Cool Customer (p184) |
Once per exchange, take full action to roll Resolve vs. Mediocre to remove first stress box |
Aplomb (p185) |
Roll over composure stress to lower boxes rather than higher |
Unflappable (p185) |
+2 Resolve to defend against purely fear-based Intimidation actions |
Right Place, Right Time (p185) |
May use Resolve to defend in physical combat, or move/take cover |
Inner Strength (p186) |
+2 Resolve vs. attempts to get in your head, +3 with full defense action |
Still Standing (p186) |
May take one additional moderate consequence of any type |
Driven (p186) |
May always invoke a consequence for a bonus |
Unyielding (p187) |
May convert any one health stress to two 1-point composure stress |
Iron Determination (p186) |
State true intentions for +1 to Intimidation or Resolve rolls |
Grease the Wheels (p187) |
May use Resources instead of Leadership whenever bribes could be accepted |
Money Talks (p187) |
Use Resources instead of Contacting to publically find someone or something |
Home Away From Home (p188) |
May specify once the location of a second Library/Lab/Workshop |
Headquarters (p188) |
One property has quality +2, and one extra element (see description) |
Lair (p189) |
Headquarters has three extra elements instead of one |
Stately Pleasure Dome (p189) |
Headquarters has all extra elements, one of which may be unique and distinctive |
Trusted Employee (p190) |
One staff is companion with Independent and 3 other advances |
Best That Money Can Buy (p190) |
+1 to Resources when trying to purchase the best of something |
Long Term Investment (p190) |
Once per session, sell an investment for +2 to a Resources roll |
Money Is No Object (p190) |
Once per session, spend fate point to make a roll +4 |
Forensic Medicine (p191) |
May use Science instead of Investigation for medical evidence |
Doctor (p191) |
+2 for rolls of first aid or medical attention |
Medic (p191) |
Remove 1 level of stress per shift, instead of per 2 shifts |
Surgeon (p192) |
+1 skill in surgery or intensive medicine, +2 in specialty |
Scientific Genius (p193) |
+1 skill in chosen field, +2 in specialty |
Theory in Practice (p193) |
Once per scene, spend a fate point to use Science instead of any skill, if fail take minor conseq. |
Scientific Invention (p193) |
Use Science instead of Engineering to create gadgets |
Weird Science (p194) |
May create and upgrade late 20th century gadgets and help engineers to do the same |
Mad Science (p194) |
May create impossible futuristic gadgets within a defined theme |
Bump and Grab (p195) |
Spend a fate point to make a simple attempt as a free action |
Cool Hand (p195) |
No increased difficulty due to environment for any fine manual work |
Sucker Punch (p195) |
Use Sleight of Hand instead of Fists for the first exchange, with a distraction |
Juggler (p196) |
+2 on juggling or use Sleight of Hand instead of Art for performance |
Legerdemain (p196) |
Use Sleight of Hand + 1 instead of Art to entertain |
Stage Magic (p196) |
Within an arena you control, no size limit for Sleight of Hand targets |
Master of Illusion (p197) |
Reduce time to prepare tricks by 3 units |
In Plain Sight (p197) |
No increased difficulty due to environment, may use Stealth in the open |
Master of Shadows (p197) |
May move one zone per exchange while remaining hidden, halve discovery penalties |
Shadowed Strike (p198) |
May attack while remaining hidden, using Stealth to defend |
Deadly Shadows (p198) |
May use Stealth for attack rolls |
Quick Exit (p198) |
Roll Stealth vs highest Alertness present to disappear |
Vanish (p199) |
May disappear as a full action in the middle of a conflict |
Hush (p199) |
Roll Stealth for a group (max = Stealth number) under your orders, without other stunts |
Lightfoot (p199) |
+2 to circumvent weight-based triggers or avoid tracking |
Like the Wind (p200) |
Reduce discovery penalties for movement by half |
Animal Companion (p200) |
Companion character with 4 advances, within limits as an animal |
Animal Friend (p201) |
+2 when interacting with a specified animal type |
Call of the Wild (p201) |
Roll Survival vs Mediocre to summon (number = shifts) of nearby friendly creatures |
King of the Beasts (p201) |
+2 with all of a broad class of animals (sea, land, or vermin) |
Due North (p202) |
+2 to find your way out, with no penalties for unfamiliarity |
Tracker (p202) |
Roll Survival to track, gaining one piece of information per shift |
Hands Free (p202) |
No penalty to other actions for riding |
Hell Bent for Leather (p202) |
+2 for sprint actions while mounted |
Ride Anything (p203) |
No penalties for lack of familiarity |
Breaking it In (p203) |
+2 on all rolls to break a new mount, +1 with that mount for that session |
Flawless Parry (p203) |
Get +3 bonus instead of +2 for full defense action using Weapons |
Riposte (p203) |
May use spin in defense to immediately inflict 1 stress as a free action |
Turnabout (p204) |
Once per opponent per scene, spend a fate point to use spin as a free attack |
Catch (p204) |
May use spin to catch thrown weapons |
Ricochet (p204) |
May make trick shot with -1 penalty, but +2 to stress of hit |
Good Arm (p205) |
May throw up to two zones away instead of one, at a -1 penalty |
Anything Goes (p205) |
May use anything as a weapon without penalty |
Close at Hand (p205) |
No supplemental action penalty when drawing a weapon |
Weapon of Destiny (p206) |
+1 with signature weapon, which is always nearby if possible |
Weapons of the World (p206) |
No familiarity penalty, once per session +1 for a scene with a new weapon, given a story |