This is my brief notes on the Truth & Justice role-playing
game, by Chad Underkoffler of
Atomic Sock Monkey Press. I have only played short games of it at
this point, but have done a careful reading and review of it as well
as produced some characters.
- My review of the core rulebook, which is rather mixed.
"Bonds of Steel"
- A short one-shot adventure for T&J for a convention
event with pregenerated characters.
Powers Chart
- A play aid showing the full list of Powers and superheroic
Qualities in the game, along with abbreviated notes on their
Random Hero Generator
- This is a simple script which generates a randomized
character using the T&J charts in Chapter 11, given a choice
of power ranks.
- Some original characters I made to try out the system, plus
adaptations of "The Runaways" and others adaptations of other
Marvel characters.
Index of Official Characters
- A concise listing of the characters from the core rulebook
and the "Dial S for Superhuman" supplement.
Legends Walk Conversion Notes
- Browsable HTML version of conversion notes for using the
superhero game Legends Walk, by Tim Gray of
Silver Branch
Games as a setting for T&J. Converted from a
document by Tim Gray.
External Links
J. Hanju Kim <hanjujkim-at-gmail-dot-com>
Last modified: Wed Aug 22 10:01:53 2007