- An introduction to the campaign, the genre and sources,
and an overview of the background.
Campaign Information
- Information on the current campaign, including PC forms,
complete session summaries, and background information on
the families involved.
Rules Sheets
- Overviews of the rules which we are using, a simplified variant
of 3rd edition Runequest.
- Discussion of the different systems of magic in Vinland,
including Norse Seidhr (prophecy and sorcery), Lagakin
shamanic magic, and Norse runic magic.
The Vinlander People
- An overview of the Norse settlers to the land and their
way of life.
The Lagakin Tribes
- An overview of the local natives of the Northeastern coast, as
they are known to the settlers.
- An overview of the regions and peoples of Vinland.
- Links to related outside sources.
GM's Only Section
- GM-Only notes and play aids.
J. Hanju Kim <hanjujkim-at-gmail-dot-com>
Last modified: Wed May 7 18:09:58 2003