Background on the Purple Pomegranate Campaign

     This is an archive of the campaign materials for the Purple Pomegranate campaign, the Crystal Palace and Radiant Empire setting, and the Manifold fantasy world. These were designed by Russell Impagliazzo and Joshua Macy, and are archived here by me as a backup and for my own interest. The originals are on the web at .

  1. Welcome to the Purple Pomegranate Campaign (Read first)
  2. The Manifold Fantasy World
  3. Geography of the Radiant Empire and Crystal Palace
  4. Inhabitants of the Crystal Palace
  5. Law and Politics in the Radiant Empire
  6. A timeline of the Radiant Empire's history
  7. The Legend of the Founders
  8. Magic in the Radiant Empire
  9. Employees at the Purple Pomagranate
  10. Other characters in the campaign, PC and NPC
  11. Campaign diary
  12. Play-by-mail game