Free RPG List: universal
The 3D RPG by Scott J. Compton
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- "Dice and Deck Designed RPG". It uses (2d12)x10 + 1d10 for its
base roll, and involves skills, professions, and other
world-specific items being written out on cards.
10 pages (HTML or MSWord format).
The Action! System
by Mark Arsenault, Patrick Sweeney, and Ross Winn
- Keywords: universal long preview open-license
- A universal system, whose version 1.1 is released under the
WotC Open Gaming License. There is an extended commercial
version (released in print or for download) with 10 extra
pages and added artwork. The rules are similar to the
Fuzion system. Action resolution is
by stat + skill + 3d6 vs difficulty. Character creation is
limited point-based.
92 pages free rules (PDF or RTF), plus ~60 pages supplements
and variants (RTF format).
Active Exploits Diceless Roleplaying
by Brett Bernstein (Politically Incorrect Games)
- Keywords: universal rules-lite long preview
- A universal diceless system. Action resolution is based on
spending Luck, Discipline, and Revelation points. Skill lower
difficulty, while attributes add to the total. Character
creation is limited point-based. There are four free
setting books, 20-30 pages each: a modern-day monster-hunter
setting ("The Shaded Veil"), a dystopian sci-fi setting
("Overworld"), a modern conspiracy/horror setting
("Harlequinade"), and a medieval Europe setting ("The Kingdom of
Norweign"). In addition, there are three commercial settings:
HeartQuest, CORPS, and Dreamwalker.
36 pages core rules (PDF) plus 90 pages free settings (PDF).
Advanced Roleplaying Mechanics (ARM) by R. E. Bridson
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple (but not quite minimalist) system using logarithmic
scales a la TORG and (1d6-1d6) resolution similar to Feng Shui.
16 pages (ASCII only).
Alacrity by Adam McKee and James G. Walker, Jr.
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple percentile system, which concentrates an fast resolution
(hence the name). Action resolution uses roll under stat on
d100. Character creation has random-roll attributes and
point-bought skills.
~15 pages HTML
Alternacy by Kizig
- Keywords: universal long
- A generic RPG using 2d5 skill rolls and broad talents/skills.
Uses 16 general talents instead of attributes. Skills are derived
from the talents, but values are decided by the referee using a
question system (how long has the character trained the skill,
how important is the skill to the character, etc...). There is
a universal chart for determining special results.
36 pages (MSWord and text).
Alternate Realities
by Carter Butts, Karim Nassar, and Brian Rayburn
- Keywords: universal long
- An "object oriented" roleplaying game, which uses percentiles
with some rather advanced math subsumed in a universal
table ("DRF"). Character creation uses description, points,
or random rolls for attributes and skills.
88 pages (HTML, PDF, MSWord, PostScript).
Alternative Roleplaying Concept (ARC)
by Alex `Dabugas' Armstrong
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A diceless RPG which uses a 7-step scale for rating attributes
and skills. Action resolution is by comparing the sum of
relevant traits and the difficulty, though there is an optional
random factor using cards.
~15 pages HTML.
Argument Diceless Roleplaying by Rainer K. Koreasalo
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A universal diceless system, which uses a narrative method of
resolving skill vs difficulty. It includes brief support for
fantasy races, magic from the Kalevala, and vampires.
32 pages (PDF).
ARPLE by Altin Gavranovic
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- The "All-purpose Role Playing Logistics Engine", which uses a
simple dice-pool system. Attribute rolls are roll 2d6 under
attribute, skill rolls are roll d6's equal to skill vs a target
number, combat is roll d6's equal to skill: (1-2: nothing, 3-4:
defense point, 5-6: offense point). If your offense is greater
than opponent's defense, you hit.
~10 pages HTML.
Aurea by Boudewijn Rempt, Irina Rempt, Frank
N. Rieter, Jasper W. Leedekerken, Martijn Spruit, and
Richard van Rijswijk
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A generic RPG system. It uses a universal table with percentile
rolls. Character generation is fairly free-form. This version
is translated from the original Dutch.
~20 pages HTML.
The Awakening Rules Engine v2.1.1 by Dan Regewitz
- Keywords: universal rules-lite long
- A universal RPG. The basic rules are freeware (optional $3
charge), with two commercial background settings for $6 each.
It uses a point-based, skill-based character creation,
emphasizing freeform discovering things about their characters.
It uses a simple system with a general dice pool (starting at 2
dice) to split among all actions, resolving stat+dice vs
75 pages rules (RTF).
Awesome! The Storytelling Game
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A storytelling game with a Director and set of player, that uses
a single stat ("Awesome!") that starts at 20. A player takes a turn
narrating, and the other players vote thumbs up or down. If the
result is mixed, the player rolls 1d20 for their new Awesome score.
If it is higher than their old score, their narration turn ends.
There are additional rules for Signature Schticks, Tagging Out,
and Weaknesses.
7 pages rules (PDF).
Bamf RPG by Brett A. Paul
- Keywords: universal rules-lite long
- A simple percentile system developed partly for Play-by-Email.
Roll under skill on percentile dice. Combat has a chart showing
varying levels of success. In other skills, your attribute
determines number of re-rolls allowed. Includes a system of
special abilities (magical/superpower/etc.).
67 pages PDF.
Basic Roleplaying Quick-Start Edition
- Keywords: universal preview
- This is a free version of the commercial Basic Roleplaying system
from Chaosium. It includes introductory character creation and
resolution systems, along with seven introductory mini-adventures.
48 pages rules (PDF).
The Basic System Core, Version 3 by J. Parker and Jay Libby
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple universal system with seven attributes (Intelligence,
Spirit, Charisma, Agility, Strength, Endurance, and Speed) and
skills. Both are rated eitheras flat numbers or in named
superheroic step similar to Marvel Superhero (Below Average = 5,
Average = 10, up to Incredible = 40, Awesome = 50). Action
resolution is attribute number + skill number + 1d20 vs
difficulty. Character creation includes either random-roll or
point-bought attributes (10+1d10 each or N points among them),
and point-bought skills. It includes some miniature rules as
well, and extended combat options like hit location.
38 pages (PDF).
Bid-It Diceless Roleplaying System
by Michael Coe
- Keywords: universal rules-lite preview
- No longer a free RPG, but a cheap $2 download for the playtest
version of a diceless system where the player spends task points
to succeed, paying the difference between his skill and the
16 pages (PDF).
Blur: The Hand is Quicker than the Die
by Daniel Pond
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A minimalist universal system.
~10 pages (HTML or MSWord).
CARDS by Leonard Tai
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple homebrewed role-playing system where the only materials
involved are ordinary playing cards. Emphasis is placed on
story-telling skills, speed and ease of play. It includes
supplements for the animated video series "Saber Marionette R",
"Slayers", and "Children of the Blue Star".
~8 pages core rules (HTML) plus ~25 pages supplements (HTML).
CARE by Chris Parlevliet
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A universal system. It uses ordinary playing cards for
resolution: players draw a number of cards based on skill and
check how many are over a target number. Character creation is
either a priority system or an open point system.
~30 pages (MSWord or HTML).
Chasis: Sistema universal de Juegos de Rol by Omar Vigó Álvarez
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A Spanish-language universal RPG system.
102 pages rules (PDF).
Chronos by Francois "Roboduck" Suter
- Keywords: universal rules-lite preview
- A French-language RPG, a preview of the published system by
les Createurs Genevois.
~15 pages (HTML).
Cineflex v2.2 by Dariel R. A. Quiogue
- Keywords: universal rules-lite long
- A cinematic universal system. It uses a d20 dice pool for
action resolution, roll 1-3 d20's over a target number.
Character creation is by selecting a focus ability, up to
four secondary abilities, and disabilities. The rules include
a generic magic system, and vehicle/mecha rules. There are
three developed settings for use with it: The Twilight Age
(a science fantasy setting), Barsoom (an adaptation of
Edgar Rice Burrough's early sci-fi), and Red Branch (mythic
pre-Christian Ireland).
~30 pages rules (HTML) or 16 pages rules v2.1 (PDF), plus
~75 pages Twilight Age background (HTML), ~30 pages Barsoom
background (HTML), ~30 pages Ireland background (HTML).
City of IF
- Keywords: universal online rules-lite
- An online roleplaying site with forum "storygames" -- where
there is a primary author who writes chapters, but at the end
of each chapter all players suggest options, which are decided
by poll.
~2 pages instructional FAQ (HTML) plus the forums.
Combat Monster by Jeff Wiker
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A parody game.
4 pages (text-only).
Combat Stats-D12 Core Rules by Weyns Peter
- Keywords: universal long
- A universal system, the core mechanic of the commercial "Tri-Worlds
Universe." The core rules include three races: humans, supernaturals,
and demons. Character creation is limited point-based, spending
one pool of points on the three attributes (Strength, Dexterity,
and Mental) ranging from 1 to 12; another on talents/advantages;
and a third on skills ranging from 1 to 5. Resolution for skills
is by rolling under attribute + skill minus difficulty on 1d12,
or in combat by rolling 1d12 + bonuses and beating opponent's
98 pages (PDF).
Continuum by Travis Casey
- Keywords: universal long
- A straightforward skill-based system, using
skill+attribute+1d6-1d6 vs difficulty. It uses point-based
character creation. It includes a generic magic system and a
short superpower system.
~60 pages (text-only).
CORE Rules by David F. Nalle
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- ``Character Oriented Role-playing Engine.'' A minimalist
skill-based system, where you roll under skill on 2d6.
~4 pages ASCII text.
Core Elements, Toolbox Edition
by Butch Hargrove and Butch Curry
- Keywords: universal rules-lite open-license
- A minimalist adaptation of Wizards of the Coasts' "D20 System",
with brief appendices for supernatural powers, action points,
insanity, and others.
18 pages rules (PDF).
CORPS Nutshell Download by Greg Porter
- Keywords: universal rules-lite preview
- This is the `nutshell' version of the commercial CORPS universal
RPG by BTRC. It is available in 7 languages (English, French,
German, Finnish, Italian, Polish, and Portuguese). The system is
skill-based emphasizing a minimum of die-rolling. The difficulty
you succeed at is essentially skill + 1d10 / 2 (round down).
Character creation is limited point-based.
4 pages rules PDF format (for each language) plus two post-apocalypse
supplements: 9 pages and 6 pages PDF format.
Cosmic Synchronicity v3 by Joseph Teller and
Kiralee McCauley
- Keywords: genre modern scifi universal long
- A universal system, which balances PC's by the principle that a
more powerful PC (i.e. higher total attributes) will have
critical failures happen more often. Actions are resolved by
rolling under (stat or skill)*4 on percentile dice. There are
personality traits ("Aspects") that determine the points
available in different skill groups. It includes a setting
book entitled "Earth Unmasked" -- about an alternate 2025
where aliens and supernatural monsters have emerged.
119 pages core rules (PDF or HTML) plus 151 page setting book (PDF)
- Keywords: universal long
- A universal system, built to address problems with D&D.
Character creation includes random-roll attributes and point-bought
skills. Action resolution is percentile roll over skill.
~80 pages rules (text-only)
Cychosys, Version 9.0 by William Straight
- Keywords: genre universal rules-lite
- A universal system, sketchily described. Resolution is
based on a series of 1d12 rolls, with special meaning for
rolls of 11 and 12. Character creation is open point-bought.
54 pages (PDF).
Cyno's Roleplay by Chieh Cheng
- Keywords: universal genre fantasy modern scifi long
- A universal system. Character creation is random-roll attributes
and point-bought percentile skills. It includes four genre books:
(fantasy, modern, near-future).
~33 pages core rules, plus four ~10-15 page genre books (HTML).
d6GE RPG by 3Muse
- Keywords: universal superhero rules-lite
- A universal RPG. Action resolution is by stat plus 2d6 vs
difficulty. Character creation is purely random-roll stats
in the basic system. It includes a brief superpowers supplement.
9 pages rules (PDF) plus 8 pages superhero supplement (PDF).
Daidalos by jochen eid
- Keywords: universal rules-lite long
- A German-language diceless RPG, with an emphasis on dramatic
69 pages rules and background (PDF or HTML).
DCS by David Chart
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple universal system, using stat+1d10 vs difficulty.
Characters have three basic attributes (physical/mental/social)
and freeform abilities. It includes personality mechanics, fate
points, and crafts rules. There are also notes on using it with
Columbia Games' Hârn setting.
~30 pages rules (HTML or text-only).
Death or Glory by Alexander Trofimov
- Keywords: universal long
- A generic percentile system similar to Runequest, with
supplements for firearms, magic, and medieval background.
~20 pages rules (ASCII text only), plus 20 pages supplements.
A Description-Based RPG System by Charles Ryan
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- An experimental attempt to create a numberless system, while
retaining die rolls against an assigned difficulty.
12 pages HTML.
Destiny - a decision driven roleplaying game
by Lance Dyas
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- The draft version of a diceless GM-judged system, which uses
various stats to guide the GMs decisions -- including a scale
of 0 to 7 of goal importance which the player ranks, selection
of strategic method (from 5 options), and allocation of deep
resources (Mana and Adrenaline points) and Luck (Serendipity
and Karma). Character skill advancement is managed by
allotting man-hours.
~15 pages rules (HTML).
The Destiny System by J. Scott Pittman
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A universal RPG system, which uses GM-designed roles (including
occupation and race) and player-defined skills. There is a system
of sand points representing sand running through an hourglass for
the character, which measures progress towards the character's
40 pages rules (PDF).
Diceless by Mark William Henshaw
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A deterministic diceless system where players spend "Luck
Points" to succeed (stats+luck points spent vs difficulty).
~10 pages HTML.
Dimensioni by ??
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- An Italian-language generic RPG system, with a focus on ease of
learning and narrative play. It is structured in tree difficulty
levels, going to the easiest one (playable even without dice) to
the most complex one (for player that love to roll some more
dice). There are two manuals: the Dimensioni rules manual
and the Dimensioni Arcane manuals with the magic system.
~140 pages core rules and magic system (PDF).
DL CORE, version 0.12 by Lonnie Ezell et al.
- Keywords: universal rules-lite preview
- A universal set of mechanics (short for "Dragon's Landing Cinematic
Open Role-playing Engine"). Character creation is by choosing
backstory packages for Childhood, Education, Passion, and Career;
plus four free points. Alternately there is limited point-buy.
Advancement is by fulfilling certain "keys" which reward points
to improve. Resolution is by rolling 1d10 + attribute + skill
vs difficulty.
50 pages (PDF).
D-Quest by Dylan Craig
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple generic system intended for fantasy. It uses a
dice-pool system: 2d6 with bonus or penalty dice, taking the best
or worst 2 from the dice rolled. Resolution is stat + roll vs
difficulty. There is no background, magic, or ranged combat
~6 pages rules (HTML).
Draft by Pitt Murmann
- Keywords: universal rules-lite open-license
- A simple fantasy-oriented universal system released under
the Open Content license. The PDF of version 0.4 is still
available, but unfortunately earlier versions and editable
copies were lost in a disk crash. Action resolution is
skill + 1d10 vs difficulty. Character creation is limited
point-based, splitting attribute points among the nine
attributes, and skill points among skills (with costs
based on controlling attribute). The basic rules
include a brief magic system.
32 pages rules (PDF).
Drama by jim pinto
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- An experimental roleplaying story game for 4 or 5 players. Players
take on the roles "Protagonist," "Antagonist," "Supporting Cast #1,"
"Supporting Cast #2," and possibly "Background". Play works by
writing plotlines on index cards, where each plot card can go through
up to six steps to get to Resolution. The mechanic works by
all players roll five 6-sided dice and keep them. Players then
take turns making a plot development using one of the five dice.
4 pages rules (PDF).
Dramatic License by Simon Seah
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- Direct download of a universal RPG system. It is cinematic in
style, with stats for Coolness and so forth. Action resolution
is by attribute + skill + die roll vs difficulty. The die roll
by default is d6, but can optionally be changed. Character
creation is open point-bought.
98 pages RTF.
DUDE by Mark Hughes
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A universal system, used for "The Alan Smithee Project": the RPG
of Hollywood gone wrong. Characters have a single attribute
called "DUDEness" which is how good they are at nearly
everything. Resolution is by standard playing cards and chips.
~10 pages HTML rules.
Dvreem RPG by David V.S.
- Keywords: universal fantasy rules-lite
- A diceless storytelling RPG. It gives detailed guidelines for
GM judgment but no numerical resolution mechanics. Character
creation is skill-based, spending 40 points among the 16 skills.
It roughly outlines four genres: Frontier, Technology, Steampunk,
Intrigue/Horror. It also has a sample setting, the fantasy
world of Creagadier.
~31 pages rules (HTML)
DzsókeRPG by Ullrich Gergely
- Keywords: universal long rules-lite
- A Hungarian-language RPG using a simple universal system called
"Szabályok" (meaning "JokeRPG"). The core rules take up
only 10 pages, while the remaining sections ("Ötlettár"
and "Mesélõk Odúja") are optional expansions.
The system was inspired by the Nameless
system by Daniel Pond. Characters are defined by "vonás"
(traits, personality), "erény" (merits or advantages) and
"korl´t" (flaws, disadvantages or defects). Each stat has
a level from 1 to 5, with 2 being average. Resolution is by
adding 1d10 and the modifier for the relevant stat, where
modifier is two times stat in one version, or the cumulative
sum in another version (i.e. +1,+3,+6,+10,+15).
51 pages core rules (PDF).
EGO: Endless Gaming Options by Tom Doolan
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple dice-pool system: rolling d6's where 5 or 6 counts as a
success, and difficulty is by number of successes required.
~18 pages HTML.
Elegant Role-playing by Gregor Hutton
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple universal system with three attributes: Mastery, Wisdom,
and Power. Action resolution is attribute plus 1d6 vs difficulty,
or attribute plus best of two or three d6 rolls if specialties/
skills apply. Character creation is limited point-based.
8 pages rules (PDF).
Epitome by Pitt Mumann
- Keywords: universal rules-lite open-license
- A universal system, released under the Open Content License.
It uses a symbolic character sheet with a circle representing
"self", with an outer band of "demeanor", a middle band of
"nature", and an inner circle of "soul". It uses primarily
diceless resolution relying on GM judgement.
11 pages (PDF).
Ergo by Ian Millington
- Keywords: universal rules-lite long
- An experimental collaborative RPG -- meaning without a GM. The
system is a Fudge variant.
~40 pages ASCII text.
Essential Spectra
by Eric Kimball and Robert A. Rodger (Arrogant Game Design)
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A universal system, which rates characters in subjective
ratings designated by six colors: red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, and purple. Each character has a number of dice which
are special six-sided dice with colors for faces (so one
character might have a die which is red/ red/ red/ orange/
green/ blue). Action resolution uses these color die rolls.
Character creation is limited point-based. The basic rules
include short systems for psionics, aliens, and magic.
45 pages rules (PDF).
Eternal Soldier
by Christopher Arnold, Rob Arnold, and Joe Mays (Tai-Gear Simulations)
- Keywords: universal long
- A full generic system somewhat similar to Chaosium's
"Basic Roleplaying". It uses a skill-based percentile system,
using other polyhedral dice as well. Character creation allows
attributes to be generated by several means, with point-bought
~50 pages (HTML).
Ex Mortis V 1.0 BRPS by Michael J. Cheney
- Keywords: universal long
- A percentile skill-based system, using open-ended percentile rolls.
Character creation is partly class-based, with random-roll
attributes and point-bought skills.
~60 pages HTML.
Fable by Ben Sones
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple system using a step-die approach (i.e. roll a d6 for
Average skill, d10 for Great skill vs a similar die for
difficulty). Character creation involves writing up freeform
traits, and then assigning ratings to them from a pool of points.
Point cost is based on GM-assessed usefulness and rating.
~28 pages (MSWord).
Fables by Will Nesbitt et al
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A storytelling game using a variant of the Fudge
rules. It uses a variety of fortune points represented with poker
chips, and determines turn order from a deck of cards.
~20 pages (HTML)
FaLoR: Fast and Loose Roleplaying by Peter Kisner
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple universal system. Action resolution is 2d4 + a broad
stat ("role") vs difficulty. Character creation is freeform
determining of the role and its rating (1-5).
15 pages core rules (PDF).
FAST by Steve Bruns
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A minimalist universal RPG, using a simple dice-pool system.
Roll d6's equal to skill: each "6" counts as 2 successes, each
2-5 counts as 1 success. It also includes a starship combat
system and various optional rules.
~2 pages Quick-Start rules (HTML), plus ~10 pages optional rules.
FATE: Fudge Adventures in Tabletop Entertainment
by Rob Donoghue and Fred Hicks (Evil Hat Productions)
- Keywords: universal rules-lite open-license
- A variant of Steffan O'Sullivan's Fudge,
which is a standalone game but recommends familiarity with the
original. Like the original, it is now released under the
WotC Open Gaming License. Character creation is by five phases
in the life of the character, with a literary "aspect" and four
skill points for each. It includes several sample magic systems.
90 pages rules (PDF).
FERpg by Nathan Hill and Mystic Ages Online
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- "The Fast and Easy RPG". A simple set of rules where each
character has 3 freeform skills (one at 2d4+2, one at 1d4+2, and
one at 1d4). Resolution is by rolling under skill on 1d12.
~10 pages HTML.
FFRE or Sagatafl by Peter Knutsen
- Keywords: universal long
- A universal system still under development. It uses a dice-pool
system, rolling a number of d12s equal to stat, with successes equal
to the number of dice rolled over difficulty (from 2 to 18).
Character creation is an extensive open point-based system.
36 pages basic rules plus 23 pages magic expansions (PDF).
Five by Five (version 3) by Jeff Moore
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A universal system. Character creation is by defining five
ranked Traits and one Trouble Trait. Traits are ranked in named
levels with corresponding numbers (0/2/4/5/6/8/10/12/15/20).
Resolution uses a "d5" which is 1d6 where the 6 is counted
as zero. Resolution is by rolling 1d5 times 1d5 under the
appropriate stat.
48 pages rules (PDF).
Foresight by Tonio Loewald
- Keywords: universal long
- A generic system concentrating on character description and
sci-fi elements. It is no longer available for free, and is due
to be published (supposedly in 2006) by
Shrapnel Games
-- cf. the
Shrapnel Game ForeSight Forum.
80 pages (PDF).
Formless by James Hargrove
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A universal minimalist RPG. It is diceless (using a 3-step "Rule of
Common Sense") with an optional rule for using die rolls.
13 pages rules (HTML or PDF).
Freestyle RPG by George DeMuth
- Keywords: universal long
- A universal RPG system, with genre sourcebooks for post-apocalyptic
("Fall of Darkness") and superhero ("Super Cyber") along with
supplements for martial arts and modern combat. Action
resolution is by rolling 3d6 on a universal table. Character
creation is limited point-based (attribute points and skill
points), with an option for random-roll attributes.
83 pages basic rules (PDF) plus 79 pages supplements (PDF).
Fresco by Salkaner il Nero
- Keywords: universal scifi horror rules-lite
- A minimalist universal system in both English and Italian.
Character creation is by random-roll of 7 attributes. Resolution
is by attribute minus 2d6 minus difficulty. It includes a
small sci-fi setting ("Star Fresco") and a horror setting
("Frigor Mortis").
4 pages core rules (HTML and PDF) plus 5 pages sci-fi
setting (PDF) and 3 pages horror setting (PDF).
Fringe (Free and INtegrated Game Engine)
- Keywords: universal rules-lite open-license
- A universal system released under the GPL open license,
currently under development by the Free Roleplaying Community.
It is not currently complete. It suggests action resolution
of attribute + skill + 1d10, and limited point-based character
~20 pages (HTML).
Fudge by Steffan O'Sullian
- Keywords: universal rules-lite long open-license
- A well-written and long-standing set of freeform rules, released
under the WotC OGL license (the Fudge SRD) as well as a limited
free license for non-commercial use. The complete rules are
available free as well as in print from Grey Ghost Games,
who also print Fudge supplements, special Fudge dice, and
Fudge Expanded Edition.
90 pages rules (PDF, text, or HTML).
FU: the Free, Universal Roleplaying Game by Nathan Russell
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple universal RPG. Character creation is by choosing four
non-numeric descriptors (one each for Body, Mind, Edge, and Flaw) -
and two iconic items of Gear (each described by an adjective and noun).
Base resolution is by "beating the odds" - the player rolls 1d6,
hwere evens (2, 4, 6) are successes while odds (1, 3, 5) are failures.
Each number has a distinct meaning: 2 is "Yes, but..." with a cost
to success; 4 means "Yes..."; 6 = "Yes, and..." with an extra benefit.
Failures are similar. The player can roll an extra die for each
helpful Descriptor, piece of Gear, Condition or Detail -- but
loses a die for unhelpful traits.
23 pages rules (PDF).
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- An Italian-language universal RPG system, using a very simple
system and one mechanic for all actions.
~13 pages SWF format (with FLASH Macromedia).
Fuzion v5.02 by "The Fuzion Group"
- Keywords: universal long preview
- A universal system loosely based on a merging of the HERO
system (from Hero Games) and the Interlock system (from R
Talsorian Games). It is identical to the commercially available
rules in Champions: The New Millenium and other games.
The free core rules have no background, but there are two
commercial downloadable fantasy-genre systems using Fuzion
("Shards of the Stone" and "WildBlades").
50 pages core rules (PDF).
GAME: Greatly Abbreviated Mechanics, Etc.
by Eric C. Garrison
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A rather more mechanically inclined system, which defines
stat and difficulty levels.
~2 pages rules (HTML).
GAMERS: the generic Six-Letter System
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A universal set of mechanics based on the original Traveller
game from GDW. Resolution is 2d6 + skill versus difficulty.
8 pages rules (PDF).
Game Engine Manual (GEM) by Neale Davidson
- Keywords: universal rules-lite long
- A simple but complete d6-based generic game. Action
resolution is roll under stat+skill using Nd6 where the number
depends on difficulty. Character creation is either random-roll
or point-bought attributes and point-bought skills.
32 pages basic rules (PDF) plus 32 pages GM's Guide (PDF), plus
several supplements adapting anime material (~80 pages).
Generic Destinies by Dylan Craig
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A universal RPG system. Action resolution is by rolling two
dice from d4 to d12, where attribute is the "tens" die and
skill is the "ones" die. Character creation is limited
point-based, with freeform skills. There are also freeform
advantages and disadvantages.
~25 pages rules (HTML).
Genesys v0.7.3 by Jeff Clough
- Keywords: universal long open-license
- A universal RPG system released under Creative Commons.
Character creation is open point-based, spending 20 Build
Points on the six attributes along with skills and advantages.
Resolution is by rolling 3 Fudge dice and adding the total
of appropriate attribute and skill, compared to difficulty.
65 pages rules (PDF).
GENRE by Gerald Williams
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple universal system, using additive dice pool: roll (attribute)
in d6 plus skill, comparing the total with difficulty.
Character creation is open point-based, with advancements in
~12 pages rules (HTML).
GLARPS: The Generic Live-Action Role-Playing System
by Kyle Marquis
- Keywords: universal rules-lite live-action
- A universal, no-touch live-action RPG system using
rock-paper-scissors as its basic mechanic.
~23 pages HTML rules.
GORE - Generic Old-school Role-playing Engine by Daniel Proctor
- Keywords: universal long preview
- A variant of the original Basic Roleplaying system, similar
to Call of Cthulhu, based on an adaptation of the RuneQuest
rules released under the Wizards of the Coast Open Gaming License.
The book is also available in print.
58 pages rules (PDF).
GRAPE: Generic Roleplaying All-Purpose Engine
by Scott Gray
- Keywords: universal rules-lite open-license
- A purely freeform system which includes the option of die
1 page HTML.
GURPS Lite by Steve Jackson and Sean Punch
- Keywords: universal rules-lite long preview
- A "lite" version of the published RPG. It uses 3d6 roll under
skill, with open point-based character creation.
32 pages PDF.
Halo by Richard Wallace Garner
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple universal RPG, used as the basis for the sci-fi
RPG Metalface. It uses limited
point-bought character creation (nine attributes plus skills).
Action resolution is by rolling a number of d6s (one to five)
based on difficulty. A total less than attribute + skill
indicates success.
3 pages rules (PDF).
Harpe by Craig Critchfield
- Keywords: universal rules-lite long
- The "Hugely Adaptable (Action/Anime) Role-Playing Engine".
Characters are described by freeform "abilities" which
go from 1 to 8 or so for normal humans. A typical ability
might be 2d+2. The dice give 1 success for each even number
125 pages (PDF).
Heritage by Norbert "Bulletshower" Matausch
- Keywords: genre universal rules-lite long
- A semi-diceless, drama-based system, similar to Theatrix.
There are also several genre-specific supplements for the game,
which tend to have more rigid dice-using rules.
~22 pages core rules plus ~75 pages genre supplements (zipped HTML).
honorabilis lex ludi by Blum, Michael Deflize, and
Jan Sachers
- Keywords: universal long
- A German-language universal RPG system. It includes rules for
development and supernatural powers, but not for starting
character creation.
~75 pages HTML.
HYPeR by Michael Sachau
- Keywords: universal long
- A universal system, using percentiles (roll under 50+stat on
percentile dice).
~60 pages HTML or PostScript.
Imaginality by Callisto, Gurth, and Hilde Hoogland
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple universal system using standard playing cards. Each
player has a hand of up to 7 cards, where card played must be
greater than the difficulty. It has a very simple characters: 3
attributes and binary freeform skills.
22 pages (PDF,MSWord).
Imagination's Toybox by Berin Kinsman
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A minimalist universal RPG system which works to simulate
cinematic genre adventures. Action resolution is 1d10 plus
stat minus difficulty, where +1 or more is a success.
Character creation is open point-based.
22 pages (PDF format).
Impresa, Express Version
by Brett M. Bernstein (Politically Incorrect Games)
- Keywords: universal rules-lite long preview
- The preview version of a universal, modular game system.
It uses a dice pool system: roll a number of d10s equal to
attribute, where each roll less than skill is 1 'step'.
Difficulty is expressed as the number of steps required to
succeed. Character creation is limited point-based
(attribute points and skill points). There are six attributes
(rated 0 to 6): Fitness, Awareness, Creativity, Reasoning,
Influence, and Luck. There are also 39 skills (rated 2 to 8).
11 pages core rules (PDF).
Infinite Horizons by Trawna Publications
- Keywords: universal long
- A skill-based percentile system. It includes a brief outline
of a magic system, but no other genre expansions.
~50 pages core rules (HTML) plus ~10 pages magic system.
The Infinity Project by Matt Savigear
- Keywords: universal long
- A universal RPG system, including a magic system. It uses a
detailed character creation system, with 7 core attributes each
with 4 sub-attributes (28 total). Character creation uses either
point-bought or random-roll attributes and point-bought skills.
Resolution is by rolling percentile dice under skill, with ranges
for critical and superior indicated on a universal table.
It has an involved tactical combat system.
121 pages core rules (MSWord) plus 21 pages magic rules (MSWord).
Ingenero second draft by Steve Mathers
- Keywords: universal long preview
- A universal system emphasizing cinematic style and dramatic action.
Character creation is point-based, including allocating 8 points
between 2 and 4 broad proficiencies (like Pirate or Nobleman),
along with defining Motivations in each of 5 categories
(Beliefs, Desires, Issues, Influences, and Dispositions);
and allocating 8 points between the two attributes (Body and Soul).
Resolution is by rolling d10s equal to proficiency and taking
the highest die, plus advantage or signature play versus
opponent's roll.
70 pages core rules (PDF).
In Media Res by S. Isaac Dealey
- Keywords: universal long rules-lite
- A universal system available for free download (formerly called
"Synergy"). A skill-based system with no attributes.
100+ pages HTML rules.
Instant Game, Barebones Edition v0.3
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A minimalist universal system, where actions are resolved by
rolling 3d6 and adding the level of an applicable freeform trait
(or the level doubled) plut ease modifier, and the results
compared to a results table, where 10 is a minimal success and
14 is normal success.
10 pages rules (PDF).
Iridium System Core Reference
- Keywords: universal long preview
- The free core rules of the system used by other Hinterwelt Enterprises
RPGs such as Roma Imperious and Nebuleon. Character creation has
random-roll attributes, character class, and point-bought skills.
Resolution is 1d20 + bonuses versus defense for combat, or
roll under percentile for skills.
66 pages core rules (PDF and RTF).
JAGS Revised by Marco Chacon
- Keywords: genre universal scifi fantasy superhero long
- A universal skill-based system with many genre supplements:
Magic, Cyberpunk, Fantasy, Horror, Supers, Psionics,
Chi Martial Arts, and Steampunk. It is quite detailed, but
there is a "rules-medium" version: JAGS-2.
Action resolution is roll under attribute or skill on 4d6-4.
Character creation is open point-based, with 3 primary
attributes and 9 secondary. Skills have a 4-level expertise
rating (Beginner, Average, Expert, Master) which determines
usage as well as a number to roll under (0 to 20).
200 pages basic rules (PDF) plus 150+ pages of supplements (PDF).
JAGS-2 by Marco Chacon
- Keywords: genre universal long open-license preview
- A universal system, the "rules-medium" version of JAGS.
It has a version released under the GNU Free Documentation
License, and also has a print version available. It uses
roll under attribute or skill on 4d6 (dropping 6s). It
uses open point-based character creation, with 3 primary
attributes and 9 secondary. Skills have a 4-level
expertise rating (Beginner, Average, Expert, Master)
which determines usage as well as a number to roll under
(0 to 20).
65 pages basic rules (PDF).
Jazz 4.0 by Brandon Blackmoor
- Keywords: genre universal
- A universal system, released under an open license. It uses a
additive dice-pool system where you roll d6's equal to your trait,
and succeed if the total beats the difficulty or opposed roll.
Character creation is open point-based, buying traits from a total
number of ranks - where "Fringe Traits" like magic cost double.
6 pages core rules (PDF).
Kathanaksaya by Shawn C. Harris (aka "Green")
- Keywords: universal genre fantasy rules-lite
- A diceless RPG set in a world ("Kathanaksaya") where all dreams,
fables, and myths are true. Character creation is by collecting Story
Points for description and hooks, then spending them on freeform
abilities (Specialties). Actions are resolved by players bidding
Story Points, where highest Specialty + Story Points wins the bid
and determines how that action is resolved.
8 pages (PDF).
KISS, 2nd ed ("Keep It Simple, Stupid") by Wilf K. Backhaus
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A very simple skill-based system. The current "d2" version uses
a set of coin flips equal to attribute. There is an older
d20-based version somewhere which uses roll under attribute
on d20.
27 pages PDF.
The Ladder by Paul Elliott
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A minimalist universal system. There is a 5-step stat scale, used
by rolling 1d6, where a 1 indicates a poor result, 2-5 average, and
6 good. Character creation is by choosing 6 freeform stats: two
at "Expert", four at "Good".
17 pages rules (PDF).
LAFFS: Ludicrous Action/Fast and Free System
by Mike Petty
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A comedy RPG system, using three attributes (Moves, Brains, and
Personality). The primary part of the combat system is rolling
to see which way you stumble when dazed.
~8 pages HTML.
Legion Universal RPG
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A universal RPG system.
~25 pages (HTML).
Levity 2.0.8 by Roberto Grassi
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple set of rules. Character creation involves rolling 2d6+12
for Life Points, then rolling 3d6 and distributing each die to a
freely-described skill. Action resolution is 3d6 + skill vs
difficulty. There are no rules for magic, non-humans, or other
options; though there are some notes on techniques for
14 pages rules (PDF).
Marcus Johanus, Markus Voht, and Jakob Schillinger
(Blacknet Publishing)
- Keywords: genre universal fantasy long world
- A German-language free universal RPG system, with sourcebooks
for seven worlds: AD 2309, Endland, Freeya, Narvalon, Scoutz!,
Thyria Steamfantasy, and Schattenmeister. Character creation
is limited point based. Checks are made by rolling 1d10 under
the sum of an attribute and a skill value, with degree of success
equal to the die result of a successful roll. The basic rules
include a magic system.
339 pages (RTF).
The MGF Rules System: Maximum Game Fun
by Michael O'Brien
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple minimalist system, with a focus on character creation.
Character creation includes seven descriptive lists like
"Five things everyone knows about you" and "Three things
you believe are true".
~4 pages (HTML).
Mini Six by Ray Nolan and Phil Morris
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A variant of West End Games' OpenD6 system.
38 pages rules (PDF).
Mirima Tyalie by B. Lee Adamson, Jr
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A modular skill-based RPG, released under the Open Publication
License. It uses a dice-pool system, rolling d10's equal to
skill, where each roll that is less than the attribute is a
success. The GM rolls d10s equal to difficulty rating,
where each roll of 5 or less is an opposed success.
Character creation uses either random-roll or point-based
attributes, and point-bought skills. Optional rules include
a free-form magic system, skill advancement through use,
armor partial coverage and damage, and multiple damage types.
There is a preliminary steampunk genre supplement.
24 pages rules (PDF).
Mnemonic by Kizig
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A very simple RPG using 1d12 to roll under the sum of 2 freeform
~16 pages (MSWord).
Myriad by Ashok Desai
- Keywords: universal long open-license
- A collection of customizable mechanics for putting together an RPG.
Action resolution uses a dice pool: roll d6s equal to attribute
and take the highest, add skill and compare to difficulty. There are
several variations of character generation, including open and limited
point-based, random and templates.
74 pages (PDF).
The Nameless RPG by Daniel Pond
- Keywords: genre scifi fantasy universal rules-lite long world
- A simple universal RPG system. Actions resolution is by drawing a
playing card (or rolling 1d10) under attribute + skill. Modifiers
are by adding bonus or penalty draws -- keepign the best/worst
of the cards. Players can spend Karma points for successes.
It includes three settings: a cross-genre setting (All-Worldz),
a dark fantasy setting (Erebus), and a adaptation of "The
Matrix". There are also two adventures.
~15 pages basic rules plus ~80 pages background (HTML).
New Realms by ReapermanX
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A "universal anime" system. It uses a simple system of rolling
under attribute + skill on 1d20.
15 pages RTF.
No Dice - The Core Book by by Leo Stableford, Suzanne Jordan, and Justin Wyatt
- Keywords: universal rules-lite long
- The free PDF release of a print game available through Lulu.
This is a diceless system, consisting mainly of advice for the
GM guiding decisions.
248 pages (PDF).
Nova by George Chatzipetros
- Keywords: universal rules-lite long
- A generic RPG engine based on d6 dice pools with a twist.
You have several target numbers (such as 456), and then roll a
number of d6's equal to the number of target numbers, where each
die that is greater than or equal to its target is a success.
Dice open-end high (6's reroll and add) and low (1's are
rerolled for a chance of critical failure). Character creation
is point-based with some randomness (you allocate dice to
attributes and skills). It includes supplements for magic,
psionics, cyberpunk, vehicles, equipment, and options.
24 pages basic rules (PDF), plus 117 pages supplements (PDF).
Nugget by Tim Gray
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple two-page universal system, the preview of the system
used in the shareware game Legends Walk!.
It uses a dice pool where you roll a number of dice based on
difficulty + attribute (-1 to +2) + skill (1 to 4), and +1 for
each advantage. Each result of 4-6 is one success. Character
creation is limited point-based.
2 pages (PDF).
Ode RPG by Colin MacIntyre
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A minimalist RPG with stats rated from d20 (worst) to d2 (best). It has freeform
traits like "Viking Leader Intent on Legacy d12".
~20 pages (HTML).
Omega by Klaus Mogensen
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple universal system: point-based character creation, roll
d6's equal to Difficulty and roll under skill.
~12 pages HTML.
OmniRole by Robert Clemens Praetzler
- Keywords: universal long
- A universal system in German and English. It uses a percentile
system of stat + modifiers + 1d100, where a total over 100 is a
success. Character creation is open point-based, with a variety
of ads/disads and options. It includes a magic system, psionics
system, and a vehicular combat system (land, air, and naval).
270 pages English rules (MSWord only).
One Brain Cell RPG Rules by Canis Publishing
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A minimalist RPG where the player rolls a number of d6's based on
the GM's subjective rating of the PC's ability.
~3 pages HTML.
OpenD6 by George Strayton / West End Games
- Keywords: universal rules-lite long open-license
- A variant of West End Games' D6 system used for the commercial
games Ghostbusters and Star Wars, released under the WotC Open
Game License.
83 pages system book (PDF),
146 pages modern-day adventure genre book (PDF),
146 pages fantasy genre book (PDF),
146 pages space genre book (PDF).
Open Form RPG by Nuerodragon and The Frost Siva
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A minimalist system using roll 1d20 under stat.
~5 pages HTML rules.
- Keywords: universal online open-license
- This is a project for an open-source Internet application that
allows people to play RPGs in real-time over the Internet.
It is currently in release 1.2.1 (July 2002).
Opera: Beholders Lost in Alternative Realities
by Leonardo Andrade and Rogério Godoy
- Keywords: universal long
- A Portuguese-language shareware universal RPG with a partial
English version. Action resolution uses either 2d6 roll under
attribute, or 2d6 plus attribute vs opposed roll. Character
creation is limited point-based, buying attributes and skills.
188 pages (PDF).
OPIGS: One Page GamIng System by David Mar
- Keywords: universal superhero rules-lite
- A minimalist system using only attributes: Beef, Brains, Hammer,
Coruba, and Luck. Resolution is based on d12 + stat on a
universal table for results (one for combat, one for other
skills). Includes a one-page superhero supplement by
Andrew Arensburger.
~2 pages (HTML).
OPUS: The One Page Universal System for Roleplaying Games
by Dragon Trove LLC
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A minimalist universal system. Resolution is by rolling 1d6 versus
an opposed 1d6. The player may add one additional d6 if the character
has an applicable skill and/or item, and one additional d6 from a
pool of experience dice. Characters start with 3 skills, 3 items,
and 3 experience dice.
1 page rules, ~6 pages sample characters and adventures (PDF or HTML).
Organic Rules Components: Vanilla ORC
by Brian St.Claire-King
- Keywords: universal rules-lite preview
- The core rules system used in two commercial RPGs: the
cyberpunk RPG "Fates Worse than Death" and "Tibet the RPG",
from Vajra Enterprises. Character creation is limited point-based:
choose personality traits and worldviews, split 80 points between
eight attributes, choose class, and split 100 points among skills
(with costs based on class). Action resolution is attribute +
skill + 1d20 vs difficulty.
30 pages (PDF).
Oroborus by David F. Nalle (Ragnarok Press)
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A free HTML version of a published game. A skill-based
percentile-based system, developed from the Ysgarth fantasy
~24 pages HTML.
The Osprey Roleplaying System
by Christopher A. Goodwin with Ron Hale-Evans and Marty Hale-Evans
- Keywords: universal rules-lite open-license
- A role-playing engine released under an Open Content license.
It uses a point-based, skill-based system.
28 pages PDF.
The Paganini Universal Storytelling Game System
by Nathan E. Banks
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple dice-pool system taking highest or lowest die from a set.
~13 pages rules (text-only).
Paradigm Shift
by Greg Poehlein, Michael Nunn, and D.B. Lincoln
- Keywords: universal long
- A free, generic version of the rules used in the published games
Supermegatopia the RPG and UNSanctioned, from
Nightshift Games. Resolution is by roll under skill on 2d10.
Character creation is open point-based, with three primary
attributes: Mind, Body, and Agility.
64 pages PDF.
Paradox RPG by Faight Industries
- Keywords: universal long
- A percentile-based generic system, also available printed.
Resolution is percentile, with chance equal to 1/3 of attribute
plus skill. Character creation is open point-based. It includes
systems for magic, cybernetics, and robot characters.
50 pages basic rules (HTML, MSWord, or RTF) or 123 pages
advanced rules (HTML, MSWord, or RTF).
Pathwanderer by Karl Thornley and David Collins
- Keywords: universal fantasy long world
- A universal system. Character creation is either random-roll or
point-bought attributes with point-bought skills. Resolution
is mostly percentile: roll d100 + skill + modifiers, where over
100 is a success. It includes a supplement ("world unit") for
early medieval Ireland, between 410 and 793 A.D.
66 pages core rules (PDF), plus 136 pages supplement (PDF).
Pathways by John Buczek
- Keywords: universal rules-lite long
- A simple percentile system using 3 attributes and various
ads/disads. It includes a default psionics and magic system.
42 pages PDF.
Paul's Poker RPG by Paul R. Dillinger
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple idea for mechanics based on poker hands. PCs have
player-defined abilities rated as General (like Melee Combat),
Specific (like Swords), or Exact (like Katana). An ability is
rated from 1 card draw to 5 card draw, while more exact gives an
extra draw and discard.
3 pages rules (HTML).
PDQ System Core Rules by Chad Underkoffler
- Keywords: universal rules-lite preview
- The "Prose Descriptive Qualities" system is the core system that
is used in several commercial games including Truth & Justice,
Dead Inside, and Zorcerer of Zo. The free system barely covers
character creation as point-based, and mostly only explains
resolution and conflicts. Resolution uses 2d6 + quality rating
versus difficulty.
13 pages PDF.
PCSIK System by Chris Freeman
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A universal system. Action resolution is by rolling under
stat + skill using a number of d10s based on difficulty.
Character creation is open point-based, spending 100 Story
Points on statistics, abilities, skills and equipment.
36 pages rules (PDF).
Pinion by Kenneth MacArthur
- Keywords: universal rules-lite long
- A universal skill-based system. Action resolution is to roll
under your skill on 2d10. Character creation can be either
random-roll or point-based attributes with points-based
ads/disads and skills.
53 pages PDF format.
Plain English Roleplaying by Michael D. Mearls
(Adept Games)
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple game based on rolling d10+Traits+Skills and comparing the
result to either someone else's roll or a target number. Traits
are free-form (i.e. "Honorable+1").
~8 pages (HTML).
Plate Glass RPG
by Nathan E. Banks
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A minimalist system derived from Fudge, but with a 9-step rating
of traits, and the roll is 1d6 minus 1d6 instead of 4dF.
2 pages rules (PDF).
PLUS, 5th edition by Joseph Steven Coleman
- Keywords: genre universal scifi fantasy long rules-lite world
- "Player's Labor-Saving Utility System". This is a simple
dice-pool system where you compare the total to a target number,
with open-ended results. Character generation uses random-roll
core attributes (Luck, Body, and Age) , and point-bought
attributes and skills based on these. It includes numerous
setting adaptations, including an adaptation of the Jorune
setting from Skyrealms Publishing and of Space 1889 from GDW.
41 pages basic rules (PDF or text-only) plus
175 pages setting adaptations.
Pollies by Ethan Greer
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple universal system based on a step-die system of rating
stats and difficulties by a size of die (from d4 to d20). Actions
are resolved by rolling one die for stat and one die for
~8 pages (HTML).
The Pool by James V. West
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple universal system, using freeform traits (rated in d6's) and
a general pool of dice. Resolution is by rolling a number of
d6's based on difficulty plus dice for applicable traits, with
each "1" counted as a success. You can also gamble dice from
your general pool of dice.
~4 pages core rules plus ~15 pages variations (HTML).
Portable RPG by Craig "Pandemonium" Griswold
- Keywords: universal genre rules-lite
- A simple RPG system: attribute+1d10. It has the unusual feature
of being designed for optional use of LEGO figures and
accessories. There are three genre systems: space opera,
swords & sorcery, and samurai.
3 pages core rules (MSWord) plus 12 pages genre supplements (MSWord).
POW! Core Rules
- Keywords: universal rules-lite long preview
- A free simple universal system, the same system used for the
commercial RPG "Power Grrrl" and others. It is intended as a
fast cinematic system. Character creation is open point-based --
20 points among six attributes and "specials" associated with
attributes. Action resolution is stat + 2d6 versus Difficulty.
20 pages rules (PDF).
Powergame 5.5 by Mikko Kauppinen
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- This is a rules-lite system developed over many years. Stats
are described on a 0 to 8 scale of Power Level (PL). Action
resolution is by rolling number of d6's equal to your PL vs
a roll of d6's equal to the difficulty number. It has skills,
ads, and disads as well.
38 pages rules (MSWord format).
Prism by Frank J. Perricone
- Keywords: universal long
- A modular skill based system. It is not quite complete, needing a
combat system (by default it is intended for use with Rolemaster's
Arms Law). It includes a number of supplements, including
adaptation for GDW's "Space 1889" setting and Columbia Games'
"Harn" setting.
~120 pages illustrated plus ~30 pages supplements (HTML).
Profile by John Buckmaster
- Keywords: universal rules-lite supplement live-action
- This is a free live-action conversion of the Silhouette game
system (used in "Gear Krieg", "Tribe 8", and other games by Dream
Pod 9). It requires one of the main rulebooks of those systems
for character creation and other aspects of play.
16 pages PDF.
RATIOS by Scott J. Compton
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- "Roleplaying And Tactics In One System". A percentile system
with 26 attributes, one for each letter of the alphabet from
Agility to Zeal.
~15 pages (text-only).
RealTime: Playing Against The Clock
by Frank J. Perricone
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- This is an RPG intended to be run in strict real time, where
game time exactly matches the real time passing. Action resolution
uses skill + 2dF (Fudge dice numbered -1, -1, 0, 0, +1, +1) vs
difficulty. Character creation is limited point-bought: 30 points
among eight skills, plus defined specializations.
24 pages core rules (PDF), plus ~50 pages introductory
adventure (PDF).
Reel Adventures, Version 0.1 by Iain McAllister
- Keywords: universal preview
- The playtest version of a simple GMless system for playing out
a cinematic adventure divided into four acts. The players each
have a character and take turns introducing threats into the
script. A player whose PC is confronted rolls d6s equal to
attribute (rated 1 to 3), plus relevant background or connection
traits. Each 4+ is a success, and the number is compared to the
opposition rolling d6s equal to difficulty plus the current
momentum based on the act.
13 pages rules (PDF).
RIP (Roleplaying the Infinite Possiblities)
by Kalle Marjola
- Keywords: universal rules-lite long
- A freeform universal system. It defines simple point-based
character creation, and a generic rule of "roll 2d6 : higher
is better". It has genre expansions which give more detail for
characters and background. It has three genre expansions:
dark future (cf. Syndicate),
fantasy, and modern horror.
~6 pages basic rules (HTML), ~60 pages genre books (HTML).
Risus: The Anything RPG by S. John Ross
- Keywords: genre universal superhero fantasy rules-lite
- A cinematic "rules-lite" system which rates "cliches" as
number of dice (1-6) which are summed vs difficulty. It includes
a 27-page solitaire introductory adventure ("The Ring of Thieves")
and links to a number of third-party sites on using it for
different genres, including Supers, Mecha, and Fantasy.
5 pages basic rules (PDF, RTF, or text-only) plus ~50 pages
supplementary material.
RORPS by Duck of Doom
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A humorous universal RPG system. The four attributes are
Buffness, Breath, Hair Color, and Bowel Control.
~11 pages rules (MSWord).
RPG Office by Christian Loidl
- Keywords: universal long
- A set of freeware computer based RPG utilities for Windows.
It comes in 4 versions: fantasy, scifi, horror, and historical.
Each version has a similar core with different modules.
Rules of Thumb by Berislav Lopac
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A nearly-minimalist system using 2d10 versus difficulty, modified
by skill or attribute.
4 pages PDF.
s3 by snikle
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A brief universal RPG, designed partly for online gameplay
(since it uses imaginary die types of d14, d16, and d18).
Six attributes are rated d2 to d20, and skills are rated 1 to 20.
Resolution is by rolling the attribute die plus skill vs
difficulty. Character creation is by random-roll attributes and
point-bought skills.
~4 pages basic rules (HTML) plus ~4 pages fantasy supplement.
Saga Basic Rules
- Keywords: universal rules-lite supplement
- This is a universal system adapted from the out-of-print TSR games
"Dragonlance: Fifth Age" and "Marvel Superheroes Adventure Game".
The rules are complete but use a special Fate Deck for action
resolution (which can come from either of the games). Players
have a hand of cards, which they play from for each action:
attribute (1-9) + skill (0 or 4) + card total vs difficulty.
The suit of cards and the PC's Edge may allow more than one
card to be played.
~10 pages (HTML or MSWord).
SAGA: Simple And Generic Adventures
by Eric C. Garrison
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A minimalist dice-pool system. You roll a number of d6's for
your attribute, skill, and subskill. For attributes, only a 6
counts as a success, while for skills it is 5-6 and for
subskills it is 4-6.
~2 pages (text-only).
S.A.G.E. (Story Advanced Game Engine) by Obi Ortega
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A freeform diceless system based on spending "Karma points"
which are allocated to your freeform attributes, skills, and
~10 pages (HTML).
Savage Worlds Test Drive, v6
- Keywords: universal rules-lite preview
- The preview version of the commercial "Savage Worlds" system from
Pinnacle Entertainment. It uses a step-die system where stats are
measured from d4 to d12. Action resolution uses an open-ended
die roll plus modifiers, where 4 or greater is successful.
The test drive rules include character creation with abbreviated
edges and hindrances, along with combat and advancement rules
plus brief sample magic.
Test drive rules 16 pages (PDF).
The SCORE RPG by Jacob E. Boucher
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- Skill-based universal system, based on a d100+skill or stat bonus
task mechanic, and point-based character generation.
~10 pages HTML.
Scriptor by Dariel R. A. Quiogue
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A system geared for running PBEMs. Characters have only their
7 attributes, or "Styles" for styles of solving problems.
Action resolution uses a dice pool system: total of (attribute)
d6's vs difficulty, plus possible bonus dice for well-written
~15 pages (HTML).
The SHELL Roleplaying System by Chris Harwood-Jones
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A generic "shell" of a system (i.e. including only core rules),
developed out of Chris' former "Cran Fantasy" system. Posted to
"" in 1992. It uses roll 3d6 under attribute or
attribute + skill. Character creation is open point-bought.
20 pages (text-only).
Sherpa by Steffan O'Sullivan
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- Another RPG from the creator of Fudge, intended to be easy to
play even under difficult conditions, such as when hiking
outdoors. It includes a one-page summary card you can carry
with you.
~14 pages full rules (HTML).
Simple20 by James D. Hargrove
- Keywords: universal rules-lite open-license
- A simple set of universal rules based on the D20 SRD.
15 pages rules (PDF) plus 6 pages appendices (PDF).
Simply Roleplaying! version 2.0
by Bob Portnell and Guy McLimore (Microtactix Inc.)
- Keywords: universal long rules-lite
- A universal system. Action resolution is by rolling under
skill on 2d10. Character creation is limited point-based, with a
set of attribute points and skill points varied based on age,
along with advantages and disadvantages.
110 pages core rules (PDF).
Sixcess Quickstart by Benjamin Rogers
- Keywords: universal rules-lite preview
- Preview of a universal system using d6 dice-pool resolution, where
every result over the target number (TN) is one success, and every
six rolled is five successes. Character generation is not included,
but four sample fantasy characters and a sample scenario are included.
22 pages quickstart rules (PDF).
by Alexander Cherry
- Keywords: universal rules-lite preview
- A storytelling RPG, a variant of The Pool
originally designed to handle playing in reverse time -- i.e.
each scene coming before the last, as in the movie Memento.
6 pages rules (PDF).
SOL Lite by Keith W. Sears
- Keywords: universal rules-lite long preview
- The free "lite" version of the commercial game from Heraldic
Games. A universal system using stat+d10 vs difficulty and
exponential scaling.
45 pages PDF.
The SORD, 6th Edition by Scott J. Compton
(Fractal Dimensions)
- Keywords: universal long
- A formula-heavy RPG with many stats. Character creation is mixed
random-roll and choice. Resolution is roll 1d20 under skill.
~65 pages rules (text-only).
SOUPS by Mike Epstein with Rob Carlson
- Keywords: universal long
- "Skill Oriented Universal Playing System". A universal
percentile-based system which handles everything purely in terms
of skill values (i.e. no attributes).
~40 pages rules (text-only).
SPEED Rules by Joseph Steven Coleman
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A universal system. Action resolution is by rolling 3d6 under
skill to succeed. Bonuses and penalties are by rolling extra
dice and taking the highest 3 or lowest 3. Character creation
is limited point based.
14 pages rules (PDF).
Spiral by Michael Tangherlini (Starfish Games)
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A single-player (and single GM) mini-RPG where the main character
is an everyman who receives some kind of power (called Influence)
that can range from supernatural to political to anything else that
sets the character apart from other people. Play proceeds by
framing into explicit scenes. Scene resolution can be either by
using power or humanity. Using power, resolution is by 1d6 +
(number of powers) - (number of humanities). Using humanity,
resolution is by 1d6 + (number of humanities) - (number of powers).
The game has an inevitable progression where every third scene,
new powers can be gained, but humanities can only be lost.
8 pages ruls (PDF).
Stones by Patrick Riley
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple RPG based on the published collectible-dice RPG
Throwing Stones (by Jeff Siadek).
~2 pages HTML.
Stories System v1 by Mike Jones
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A minimalist universal system, where actions are resolved by
rolling 3d6 and adding the level of an applicable freeform trait
(or the level doubled) plut ease modifier, and the results
compared to a results table, where 10 is a minimal success and
14 is normal success.
9 pages rules (PDF).
Story Bones by Christian Aldridge
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A "bare bones" version of the published Story Engine rules
from Hubris Games.
It has very loose description-based rules. A pool of dice are
thrown to check the number of odd rolls.
6 pages PDF.
Sundered Epoch: Generations by Randal P. Snyder
- Keywords: genre scifi universal long
- A universal RPG with a default setting of a dark near-future in
the year 2010. Current genres include a dark future in 2010,
a cyberpunk year 2050, and a fantasy setting. Action resolution
is 1d20 roll over (Difficulty minus Skill). Character creation
is open point-based.
101 pages PDF.
SURGE by Mark Leaman / Merrymeeting Games
- Keywords: universal rules-lite preview
- "Simple Universal Relative Gaming Environment". This is a free
version of the commercial RPG from Merrymeeting Games.
25 pages preview rules (PDF).
Swift by Doyce Testerman
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple universal system. Action resolution uses attribute + d20
vs difficulty (with options for other die types). The attributes
are "Vocation" along with Body (Muscle + Agility), Mind (Memory +
Reason), and Soul (Will + Perception). PCs also have one "feat"
and one "flaw". Character creation is open point-based.
18 pages rules (PDF).
Synthesis (version 1.8)
by Mike Holmes and J B Bell
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A universal system, using a freeform dice pool system. Character
creation is by distributing points among freeform traits -- one
of which must be the special trait "Self". Action resolution is
by rolling a number of dice based on trait and modifier, where
every even result is a success. This is compared against a
similar roll for the task difficulty.
~25 pages core rules (HTML).
The System, 2011 Edition by Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A universal system designed with an early 1980s feel (originally
developed in 1986). Resolution is by rolling under stat on 4d6,
or rolling on an "Odds Table". Character creation is open point-based,
buying 11 attributes (including Luck) along with various calculated
abilities, and 5 skills with subskills.
34 pages core rules (PDF).
SYSTEME D by Stéphane de Decker
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A French-language simple universal system, using a step-die system,
where stats and difficulties are rated from D4 to D20. In
character creation, the player assigns different dice to
broad categories: fighter, alchemist, pilot, assassin, healer,
technician, etc.
4 pages rules (PDF).
System DL (Freeware Edition) by Christopher Casey
- Keywords: universal rules-lite preview
- A diceless system, but with quantified skill where variations
result from spending luck points. This is the free 16-page
preview of a 98 page commercial download. The freeware rules
include a brief 1-page magic system and a medieval fantasy
equipment list.
16 pages freeware rules (PDF).
Theatre of the Adsurb by Jeremiah McDonnell
- Keywords: universal long
- A universal percentile system. Action resolution uses roll
under skill on percentile dice, consulting a universal table
for degree of success. It includes a set of character creation
and GM helper programs, although they are not required.
Character creation is point-based.
115 pages rules (MSWord format).
Toaster by Patrick Riley
- Keywords: universal rules-lite long
- A universal skill-based system. Action resolution is based
on attribute + skill + d10 vs difficulty (10 is standard).
Character creation is limited point-based (spending attribute
points and skill points) with open-ended ads/disads.
There are rules for a variety of weapons and optional
combat but no magic or other sci-fi/fantasy rules.
37 pages (PDF).
Token Storytelling by James Hargrove
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A universal minimalist RPG where you roll from a pool of d6s
in a freeform manner for resolution, with each 5 or 6 counting
as a success. The only stat is your pool of dice, which is
formed by adding dice for different types of character description.
4 pages rules (PDF).
Too Much Coffee Roleplaying System
by Clinton R. Nixon
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple, freeform system with no fixed stats -- based closely
on Fudge.
9 pages PDF.
Tri-Stat dX: Core System Roleplaying Game
by Mark C. MacKinnon
- Keywords: genre universal long
- The complete core rulebook for the Tri-Stat dX system from
Guardians of Order. The rules are a variant of the Tri-Stat
system from Silver Age Sentinels and Big Eyes, Small Mouth.
This is not specific to anime, and adds in scaling rules to allow
for low-power realistic play as well as superheroes. The "DX" refers
to using different dice depending on the type of campaign: D4s for
low-power play, up to d12s for superheroes. It has three core
attributes of Body, Mind, and Soul. Character creation is open
106 pages (PDF).
True20 Quickstart Rules
- Keywords: universal preview open-license
- A brief preview of the True20 rules from Green Ronin, with a
sample adventure adapted from their D&D adventure,
"Death In Freeport". There are no character creation rules,
but four sample characters are included with the adventure.
6 pages quickstart rules (PDF) plus 32 pages adventure (PDF).
TUGS by Aina Rasolomalala
- Keywords: universal rules-lite long
- A generic game with a sci-fi bent, inspired by Jorune, Space
Opera, and CORPS.
~16 pages rules (HTML or text-only), plus
~16 pages in a world-specific sci-fi supplement.
TV Action
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A system for role-playing in the genre of action/adventure television.
It uses an adaptation of Ian Marsh's Timelord system, with cinematic
modifications including Screen Presence from Matt Wilson's
Primetime Adventures, and Kickers from Ron Edwards' Sorcerer.
19 pages rules (PDF).
Twilight: The Rapid Tactical Role-Playing Game
by Benjamin D. Richards
- Keywords: universal long
- The demo version of a universal system under development. It has
mechanics based on allocation of 5 time increments among tasks,
designed for tactical play. You roll (attribute+skill) d6s where
each roll less than or equal to the increments spent is a
success, with a special open-end rule if more than half the
dice are successes. Character creation is limited point-based.
The demo version includes basic skills, modern and historical
equipment, and extended examples of play; but only incomplete
samples of the rules for magic and innate racial skills.
~64 pages HTML.
Universal Combat System
by Jesse Carlucci, Josh Brown, and Joshua Carey
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple miniatures combat system intended for any setting (fantasy,
modern, etc.) It has a point system for building armies out of
units, with units rated in level from 1 (weak but fast) to 10
(tough but slow).
~8 pages rules (HTML).
VRAANZANNTH (anonymous)
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A generic pure mechanics system, which uses two-step mechanic:
roll under stat on 1d12, then determine result by rolling 2d6-7
on a table to find a multiplier for your effect. Character
creation seems to be an open point-bought system.
~11 pages HTML.
The Wanton Role-Playing System (WaRP) by Jonathan Tweet, Robin D. Laws
- Keywords: universal open-license
- A version of the mechanics from the commercial game Over the Edge,
released by Atlas Games under the WotC Open Game License.
It uses a simple system of picking four player-defined traits:
one central trait (4d6), two side traits (3d6), and one flaw.
Resolution is by rolling your trait dice, possibly along with
penalty or bonus dice. If you have bonus/penalty dice, remove
high or low dice from the pool equal to the bonus/penalty.
The total is compared to a difficulty number.
28 pages (PDF).
WEM3 by "steveb"
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A simple universal RPG system. Character creation is by
limited point-bought attributes and skills. Resolution is by
best roll from a pool of d6's.
~12 pages HTML.
The Window by Scott Lininger
- Keywords: universal modern horror fantasy rules-lite long
- A simple, drama-based system (in English and French). Action
resolution is by rolling a step-die (d4 to d30) based on skill
under difficulty. Character creation is freeform. It includes
two settings: a modern horror setting ("The Stage") and
an angels-in-the-modern-world setting ("Children of Fire").
42 pages base rules (PDF or HTML), plus 18-page modern
horror setting (PDF or HTML), and a 57-page urban fantasy
setting (PDF or HTML).
Wordplay Draft Rules by Graham Spearing
- Keywords: genre universal long rules-lite preview
- A preview of an upcoming universal system, using player-defined
descriptive traits rated from 1 to 9 dice, divided into three
categories (Body, Mind, and Soul). It uses pools of d6s, where
every 4 or 5 is one success, and every 6 is two successes -- rolled
in a contest with opposing difficulty dice.
121 pages draft rules (pDF).
The X RPG by Chris Fleming
- Keywords: universal long
- A complex generic RPG, using exponential ratings (from Mayfair
Games' DC Heroes) and offering a choice of several dice-rolling
~185 pages HTML.
The X6 System by George Chatzipetros
- Keywords: universal
- A universal dice-pool system. Resolution is by rolling d6s
equal to attribute or skill, where each 3 or 4 is one success,
and each 5 or 6 is two successes. Character creation is open
point-based, buying up the 15 attributes along with skills and
talents with 1500 starting experience points.
25 pages core rules (PDF) plus 3 pages wealth expansion (PDF).
Zehn Core Rules by Robert Towell
- Keywords: universal fantasy modern long
- A universal system, with powers and characters provided for a
fantasy background or superheroes. Action resolution is by
stat + 3d6 versus difficulty, and uses a general logarithmic
scale where each +10 stat is x10 units. Characters creation
is open point-based.
78 pages rules (PDF).
Zen and the Art of Mayhem by Dave Zyn
- Keywords: universal long
- A universal system focussing on Japanese anime. Action
resolution is attribute + skill + 1d10 vs difficulty. Character
creation is open point-based with optional random-roll attributes.
It has a sample sci-fi setting, Pangea.
124 pages core rules and background (PDF).
ZIGZAG by Jow Lindsay
- Keywords: universal rules-lite
- A combination RPG and drinking game, where actions are resolved by
how much alcohol is consumed rather than by dice or cards.
~10 pages HTML.
John H. Kim
Last modified: Sat Apr 18 16:22:01 2020